Getting up when the day had broke, Noah took a bath, and went down the stairs. Returning the key back to Peter. Noah decided to inform him about his travel.

"I won't be around for like a month, so you can lodge the room to someone else", He said.

"I see. Let me guess you are going for a job of some sorts", Peter said retrieving the key and keeping it somewhere.

Nodding his head in affirmation, Noah turned to leave. "When you get back, my rooms will always be available for you", Peter said with a professional bow.

Smiling in return, Noah exited the building, coming out into the open, he ignored the bustling street, as he had gotten used to them.

Finding a familiar quiet alley, Noah ran to James house. Augustus had informed them to meet outside the gates of Vonol, early in the morning.

Arriving outside James house, Noah knocked on the door. A few seconds later, it was opened by an almost crying Jesse, who's eyes were watery, from the held back tears.