Back in Crilion...

In the VIP area of the coliseum, multiple sitting figures could be seen each having their full attention on the illusory screens right in front of them.

Once in a while these individuals would glance at their sitting partners, it seemed they were talking but no words left their mouths.

A particular lady who watched Noah's team, Noah to be exact. Would smile multiple times, as she seemed to enjoy what she observed.

"Is he that interesting," The mental voice of her sit partner wondered.

"Oh, he actually is. If you would just stop fantasizing about sleeping with little Isabella, you would understand, Solomon," She replied sharply, her mental voice not holding back on the mockery and disdain it held.

The man could not reply, as only a frown appeared on his face, though he glanced at the lady's screen, and only after a minute did he get interested.