Smoke rose up in the air, as the smell of burnt meat permeated the whole cave. James sighed at the sight of the dead experts, his eyes falling on Noah's back.

The young man, who he even seemed to be older than, never seized to surprise him. But shock filled James mind when he realized that he had recovered from the surprise of what happened just a few seconds after it occurred.

It seemed he was beginning to get used to Noah's abnormality.

A ding resounded in the cave, Noah nodding his head at the turn of events.

Now they would get a few hours to rest. Those who didn't, would get eliminated fast in the last round. Noah already wanted the whole thing to end.

Two Inscriptions lit up in the cave, one on the ground and the other on the caves ceiling.

The charred bodies of the five experts, disappeared while a light washed over the ground making it clean.

Once again the illusory figure appeared out of the other Inscription.