Noah's mind froze when he read the system's words. He immediately dropped the cup, albeit gently not the alert the two experts.

"Would you like some more?," Lady Urel asked with a smile.

Noah stared at the duo with uncertainty evident in his eyes. "No," He replied standing up.

"If that is all, I'll be leaving," He said.

"Thank you for the drink," he added leaving the table, but before he could leave the room, Lady Urels voice sounded.

"Goodbye, and please watch your steps," She said, Noah not being able to see the cruel smile on her face while he walked out of the chamber.

Nodding his head he watched the door open and walked outside.

On getting outside, Noah realized that Abigail was nowhere to be seen. But he didn't worry too much about that detail. He knew his way back to his assigned room.

Glancing at the panel from time to time, Noah was about to exit the hall leading to the chamber when another notification appeared in his eyes.