"What a weird fellow," one of the elders said after Noah had closed the door.

"A powerful one you mean," Jon shook his head while chuckling, "He's managed to not let me know much about him. Though I can't blame him, we haven't met for even an hour yet."

"And he let you give him a house," the same elder spoke.

"Well with his power, i wouldn't fear people in my level. I could barely touch him throughout the fight. And even when i threw a massive ball of fire at him, containing power at the peak of his stage, he managed to cut it," Jon explained with a look of wonder.

"At least I managed to force him into using a weapon, but i didn't get to see it," Jon shrugged, turning and walking towards where his building was, the others following closely behind him.

The elders had thoughtful expressions on their faces, but the matter they desired to talk about was something they had agreed not to mention outside closed doors.