152. HERO

Near death experiences. An event that usually only happens once or never in the lifetime of the average human.

Events that could traumatize the best of minds, rendering them into mere cry babies, or fearful existences....

A hard breath escaped Jon's bloody lips. It had been a very long time since his body had been in such a state. So long that he had almost forgotten the series of events that led to that point.

But the village had saved him, and even helped him eradicate his killers. Today he placed his life on the line for the same village, and he felt not a shred of regret doing so.

Glancing at his body, Jon swept his gaze across the now damaged suit of armour. Blacksmiths could repair it, but there weren't any Individuals with such skills for tens of miles.

His chest area featured a series of deep cuts that stretched all the way to his abdomen. Blood oozing from those wounds.