168. CHASE

Noah could immediately tell that only death awaited him if they actually attacked.

He noticed all this in mere instants, as his figure seemed to pause in the moment of exiting the river.

He felt a tinge of fear spread in his mind at the sight, as the serpents remained large creatures, filling the rocky ground and even the walls around him with their greenish-black scales.

[You have come in contact with poison][Your body is battling the foreign substance.....]

[Your body has successfully neutralized the poison]

The prompt left him surprised, as it him wondering when he had come in contact with poison.

The scene before him seemed to receive a powerful blow as an immense crack literally spread in the reality before him. And it immediately shattered like glass.

Suddenly his Instincts didn't sense hundreds of snake's, and the disgusting swarm before him had magically vanished into nothingness.