Their hands quickly shot towards their mouths to stop that action, and a tinge of fear inevitably spread inside their minds; immediately their eyes fell on Noah's frown.

No words were spoken for a while, as everyone waited for the breath-taking young man to talk. And his eventual words let out the nervous breaths each had been holding.

"I know it's funny and all, but i really do not know much about this world. I've mostly been dwelling in the poor settlements of this nation after all. I literally just got here a few days ago," Noah explained surprisingly calm, his frown also leaving his eyebrows.

"So how does it work?" He asked again.

His explanation managed to leave the experts stunned, as their minds tried to reason the possibility of such a reality.

After a few instants most confirmed that his words sounded acceptably true.

Nevertheless, a subject still bothered them deeply enough to cause them to doubt his words. His power.