187. LUCKY

Deep confusion ravaged the insides of Noah's mind at the sight that lay before him.

He couldn't help but sweep his gaze on his surroundings; to confirm that he had arrived at the place the people had directed him to.

He had confirmed from exactly seven Individuals before getting there, so he knew this was it. 'But really,' he wondered, perplexed.

Noah fully expected a grand building pained with golden colours and bustling with Individuals.

He even half expected the place to be surrounded by a dark cloud releasing bolts of heavenly lightning, or something.

But all that imagination went down the drain when his eyes continued to fall on a run-down building with black and grey-ish paint, causing for its old look.

The buildings around the black building made a massive contrast, as his destination seemed to be in a world of its own.

People even avoided the building like an ugly scar, as they didn't even spare it a second glance.