Gritting his teeth while trying his very best to remain calm. Visibly sweating. Noah felt the beasts heavy gaze remain on his figure, while his group's guides conversed with the guides of the other groups. Three group's in total, each with two guides.

Remaining a safe distance from the beasts large figure. Noah stood in silence, his head lowered, while jolts of fear ravaged his body and mind.

His expression looked visibly dark, but the others in his group were to busy being wary of the Incredibly powerful beast.

'I can't take this anymore,' Noah thought slowly raising his head to lock gaze's with the magical beast.

With that simple action Noah felt his fear shoot through the roof, yet a calmness existed somewhere within that chaotic mass of emotions.

The beast red eyes didn't necessarily radiate any hostility, but the entirety of Noah understood that the beast seemed able to look into his very body to expose his secrets.