Panic spread within Noah's mind at that event, he felt heat rise to his face at the understanding of what he felt. But what he experienced was mostly embarrassment. For some reason, he didn't find her not alluring even after her words, only that he knew he could never approach her with the intent his body desired.

Realizing that his machine was about to be revealed through his garment, Noah instinctively hunched forward, an event that caught the attention of Lady Sarah who tinkered with a few items in her ring.

"What's wrong with you," her voice came like a blow startling and causing even more panic and heat to rise in his face. To make things clear, he only felt embarrassed about his middle-legs reaction.

"Nothing," Noah replied squatting. "Just trying to stretch a bit seeing as you look ready to begin our training," he explained trying to fake a cold expression even if his heart had begun to beat extra faster.