311. FAULT

"With this form you can reach your opponent or opponents in no time, allowing you to deliver devastating attacks as quickly as possible. Best with a weapon," Elder Sarah's charged voice rang out all around Noah, and it managed to overshadow the sound of the erratic lightning bolts her figure released. Some thin tendrils reached his figure, burning through his clothes immediately. It didn't matter that they were inscribed, the mere tendrils were enough to reach him.

"This form is one step above the first form. It utilizes Surge but in a more refined way. With enough mastery, you should be capable of doing all this. But it draws a lot of stamina and requires a lot of control," her charged voice boomed all around him before she suddenly came to a stop right in front of Noah's figure.

His eyes were wide open at that level of speed. Her movement had been silent and quick, so quick he hadn't seen her arrive except after she did.