"Is everything alright Sarah?" One of the five asked curiously inspecting the scene of destruction before him.

"Yes Gideon, I was only sparring with my student. I simply went overboard," she shrugged with a wry smile.

The expert named Gideon shook his head at her reply, it seemed that wasn't the first time she had done something like that,

"Okay then. I guess we should have expected this." Another amongst the five chuckled slightly as his eyes fell on Noah.

"He even managed to survive it, at his level," the same person exclaimed with light amusement. "There are only a few individuals in the third tier that can even hope to do such. He's good," the man explained shaking his head.

"He was already special before I met him and I'm even getting to know new things about him," She threw a dangerous shade at Noah, but he only smiled with faked nervousness.