"What the-" Noah tried to speak but was once again cut short, but this time by her words.

"Do not fear sir Aiden. This is what is required for you to receive the reward," She explained taking steps forward, and Noah couldn't lift his eyes off her surprisingly well-endowed chest.

She walked close to him until she stood right above him, and he couldn't help but admire her scent. It smelt sweet, and with the sight before him; began to become intoxicating.

She continued to gaze into his eyes while he did the same, but more in confusion than not. Without his permission, she placed her hand on his, as he had bent backward with both his arms supporting his posture.

Lifting his hand after making sure he wouldn't fall, she placed them on the right side of her belly. Only then did Noah notice the tattoo that stood there.

A black tattoo displaying a black heart had been where she placed his hand, and Noah felt certain he felt something within it.