A grunt escaped Noah's mouth as he slowly regained consciousness. He parted his eyelids with a bit of difficulty and when they managed to open properly he felt an ache smash into his senses like a freight train, and he recoiled in pain.

Noticing the bright light illuminating his environment, Noah continued to groan while his focus switched to his soul realm.

A sight no less shocking than beautiful unfolded in his eyes and he immediately fell into marvel.

His soul island had expanded, so much so that from standing in the center he couldn't see its edges. His soul core had also become bigger and the multicolored lights that swirled around it had grown more numerous and brighter.

In a normal situation, Noah would have been glad about the sudden buff, but currently, he wasn't. And why was that?

Well because his island had expanded, but it had paid the price in sturdiness.