Loud bangs resounded in the wide field, and these loud bangs were a result of the yellow flashes colliding with a huge figure emitting two different radiance, one being yellow and the other being icy blue.

Noah had filled the hollow up with two of his rare affinities, and now he could properly attack the beast.

The process of filling it up had been tedious, however. He had emptied his core before relying fully on his potions. The result had been worth it, fortunately.

Noah's fists crackled with yellow strands of erratic electrical energy and he dashed about the monster's base delivering resounding punches, ones that filled the field with their sound.

The hollow responded by allowing masses of its gained energy to shoot toward Noah, mostly in bolt-like forms.

He always dodged them, however, but even with his powerful attacks beginning to shave off portions of the thing's body, Noah remained unsatisfied with the results.