397. WISH

Noah's dagger appeared in his hand, he could tell from his position that the hollow still had the will to fight. And although he didn't know how such would even be possible, he had to put it into consideration.

The hollow released a low hum and glared at Noah's approaching figure. Seeing as its opponent wouldn't stop nearing it, it began to move about.

Noah watched the hollow raise itself up with its arms.

'How will that even work?' he wondered stopping. His golems were following his lead so he could simply send the forward. Which he did.

The hollow discharged the energy within its figure at that point, and Noah watched tens of his golems explode when a wave of violent yellow energy washed over them like a small stream.

In an instant, the hollow emptied its figure of the stored energy, but there were still many golems around it ready to attack, but Noah made them explode instead.