420. AALD

"Why did you come all the way over to the other side when you knew you'd be beaten?" Noah asked the group of four teenagers sitting before him.

There were three boys and Erolia. They had led him to that house in the slums and he couldn't help but think of how bad their living condition was.

Erolia chose to speak, but her voice had still been shaky since memories of what Noah had done filled her mind.

"It was my idea and my fault," she tried to take the blame, but one of the boys spoke up.

"We all knew what we were stepping into, but we followed anyway," the young man stared at Noah with fierceness in his eyes, before switching his focus to Erolia.

"You can't take the blame, we followed of our own accord," he stated exchanging glances with the two boys and they nodded.

"But I'm the one who-" Noah wouldn't let Erolia continue, since he knew where it would end. The young man whose name was Aald had said all he needed to know.