428. BINGO

Noah finished the meal without suffering any repercussions from it. It felt funny honestly as he could almost feel Kius's surprise emanating from his brown eyes.

"It was a nice meal," Noah announced pushing the plate before him forward; having cleared it. He took a deep breath to bask in the delight of the good meal.

The duo had been talking for over an hour, but Noah knew it was probably only to get his mind off whatever side effects of the substance.

It would have worked on someone who wasn't Noah.

"I'm glad you liked it," Kius smiled suddenly standing up.

"Before you leave, as I can see you are ready to. I'd like to give you a little something," Kius announced walking past the table and outside of the room.

Noah wanted to unfold his consciousness, but he refrained from it. He didn't want the man to feel he had suspected something. His instincts were against any rash actions until the totality of the man's vile nature was revealed.