Maintaining a safe distance from his weapon, Noah marveled.

It looked like a pillar of mind-bending energy ready to be unleashed.

Cudgel's blinding yellow; almost-golden light, reached regions far away from the town as even the escaping crowd bore witness to it.

A few bolts had stuck areas relatively close to them, lighting everything ablaze.

It was incredible. They picked up their pace, as the understanding of the white-haired expert's words became clear. Death wasn't that far now that its instrument was revealed.

The wind blew like gales during the initial moments of Cudgel's full transformation, but gradually it began to stabilize and that brought about a new reign of peace.

At least sort of.

The crackling of Cudgel's large body continued to bathe the surroundings in its oppressive sound.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Noah asked a horrified Diro. The mere transformation had buried hundreds of people beneath their homes. Some died