Noah stepped out of the carriage to climb down the ladder. Quickly after he was Bon, Madison had been the first to get down.

Surrounding them were yellow-armored individuals, who according to the ranking system of the royal city were Knights. But Noah didn't know that.

About seven of them gathered before them as they got down, each of them holding power within the fourth tier.

Their eyes were fixated on the figures of all three of them. It would seem even they knew about the winners of the tournament of champions and knew the rewards. Who wouldn't want a tour of a different nation and even another continent.

Sweeping his gaze on the small garden behind him, Noah nodded inwardly at how lush things looked inside that place.

Even he could feel the mana in that environment. It wasn't a matter of his changed status, the higher the mana quality was, the more evident it was for a body as weak as his.