'Damn that hurt like hell,' Noah grimaced inwardly, silently experiencing pain. Utilizing one arm to unleash the first form proved a difficult and painful experience. He had done it in a bit of a rush and desire to look good, but it hurt. Badly.

The insides of his right arm had seen all its bones snapping, but thanks to his healing he could act normal even if it still hurt.

Noah slowly lowered his right arm while staring into Loria's eyes. She was still shaking, he had no remedy for that.

He even felt bad a bit. Only a bit. The rest of him was normal.

Madison and Bon walked into the court, silent.

"What should we do?' Madison inquired, even though she herself felt a bit shaken. Her eyes fell on a trembling Loria and felt a tinge of pity for her.

"I don't know," he furrowed his brows sweeping his gaze on their environment.

Truth be told he had not expected that reaction from her. She seemed to be sick in some way. Or traumatized.