"Have they been wiped out?" Noah wondered out loud, lifting his gaze from the mass destruction below him.

"Thirty years," he muttered. That was a long time to be away from a place. He would have been considered dead in all ways. After all, he had even left that realm for a place outside of Cregar. The universe was vast. Ersha's memories told of many worlds and beings.

He doubted that reality. The Grand-masters were too strong for such a reality to exist. Merely the armored statues in their throne room would be able to stop tier 5's from ruining things.

Still, the question remained. Where was the city that housed the members of the great guild, divine lightning?

"They probably moved," he considered as an item he had never utilized before appeared in his hand. The communication amulet he had been given when he first joined the guild.

Noah activated the amulet and watched it buzz with golden lights before suddenly going off.