A series of silvery-blue magical triangles appeared in front of Noah and cold mist exploded into the environment, even enveloping the entire elven group.

A dense and heavy presence on par with Noah's unfolded in the area, followed by the vague emergence of a tall grand figure.

A blazing pair of eyes shone within the mist and danger spread forth in all directions.

"You will be the first," Noah's eyes shone with a burning silver light as his figure streaked forward to arrive before the bowing group. He lifted the daggers in his grips as a gust of wind blew forth to clear that mist.

Noah didn't care however, his daggers landed on Julio's shoulders and he curved his slash to behead the man in barely an instant.

He stabbed his dagger into the man beside him and watched the expert's figure burst into flames. He screamed and yelled while he plunged toward the ground below.

Noah managed to kill a third person before having to retreat behind his golem.