The trio spoke a bit more, with mostly both grand elders mainly speaking. After which they left. Noah was allowed to return to the city and dwell within the chambers of his master. Elder Sarah.

Apparently, she was on her way there, and it was of course because of him. He expected a sort of spar to occur if they actually met again.

Noah had surpassed the human limits. He had reached heights the entirety of Cregar did not know about, and of course power.

That line of thought reminded Noah of the issue with the immortals. There would be a few trials before the immortals themselves called upon him. He could only wonder what they desired.

Still, even in the face of that danger, Noah remained unworried. He couldn't, to begin with. Still, even if he could, he would find himself okay.

He had the power to back his actions up. And abilities that made him essentially unstoppable. He would carry out his mission as the last speedling, at whatever cost.