546. READY

Noah appeared before his group mates with the force of a speeding jet. The ground shattered and the wind blew violently whilst he simply flickered in front of them.

The event startled them since his aura was out in the open, but he didn't let it affect them.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. Are you all okay?" He asked, the recovering cultivators, and they nodded, quite stunned about the turn of events.

Their eyes caught sight of the explosions in the distance. The flashes of light and the roars of lightning bolts reached them. The bangs that erupted as a result of multiple clashes reverberated throughout the regions.

The fight between Erolia had quickly escalated into a high-speed battle. Those experts would almost be unable to see what was going on.

"W… who's fighting the higher stage?" Cora asked still shaken. She had seen her life flash before her eyes during those few moments under the influence of the foreign expert.