Erolia's figure streaked across the skies of the Cusk nation, at terrible speeds. Her passage through the regions generated a streak of silver and cerulean light. Mostly cerulean.

They would be arriving at their destination very soon.

According to the words of Elder Adonis, the royals had planned a meeting spot several miles from the city.

At this location would the two groups meet and essentially relate before heading toward the city.

Noah's group had been on that journey for a bit not. About half a day had passed since they left the guild, but they had not flown all through that time.

Unlike him, Erolia didn't possess groundbreaking stamina in terms of exerting herself at full speed for extensive periods.

She could fight at her full power for only hours before her stamina ran out. At most a whole day. This depended on how stressful her opponent was.