Barricading the room with his mental waves, Noah began the story of his life as a human on the distant planet; Earth. He spoke of his life, his jobs, and his former family. He said of his then-friends, his hobbies, and the many things that entailed that lifetime. And of course, he spoke of the fact that he had spent more time in Cregar than he did there.

He told of the incident that had led to his death and the events after that, he spoke of the system which they now shared, and he told her about the people he met, giving as much account as he could.

He spoke about the first town he had been to; Mariw--about the first set of humans he met in that world, he finally spoke about James, about the events they went through together and what he had done for the man.

He told her about the royals and what they had done to him, and by filling in the gaps, he explained to her how he had been betrayed so much so that death had been his only real escape.