"You okay?" Noah asked Erolia, understanding that her grip on his arms had loosened a bit before regaining its tightness.

"Yes, yes," she replied, a tad bit embarrassed. Noah nodded and they moved forward, hovering close to the uneven ceiling of that underground expanse.

"I sense a weird mana. It's clearer now," Erolia revealed her findings, struggling to not let her face twist in repulsion.

That place not only looked repulsive but also gave off an irritating aura only to her instincts. The air within that expanse remained bad to the taste, so they opted on holding their breath. Tier 4's could hold their breaths for hours.

"Follow their trail," Noah commanded, speaking about the grotesque creates that filled the walkable surface of the expanse. They all marched in one direction and the more they went toward that direction the denser the aura got.