589. MARKS

Noah dashed without utilizing the fullness of his speed. His figure weaved through the formation of trees around him, but he wasn't the only one.

Fourteen others ran around him, their destination the same. Still, there was something different about the group now, or rather a new detail had been added. James now had in his arms an unconscious lady.

Yes, they had succeeded in infiltrating the tower and rescuing the person who had been taken. She had been locked inside a dungeon in the tower. Which brings us to the issue now.

Noah felt in his gut that things weren't right. The rescue had been smooth. Too smooth. The tier 4's patrolling the tower had been easily taken out. They weren't killed, but quickly knocked out and administered sedatives that would put them to sleep for hours.

Noah took light steps even if they resulted in powerful bursts, but not the best that he could do.