606. HUG

The item Noah had been sent to retrieve was a rather strange object under production by the coming together of the guilds. Or at least the guilds with enough resources to spare for that project.

A powerful magical ring that held the type of pressure capable of crushing even lower stage tier 4's by them simply being in its presence.

Thankfully a storage item had been created specifically for that ring. This was what Noah would see when they handed the item over to him.

Not even he knew what was within it. He also didn't care now that he knew he would be ganged up against by reason of the order from the royals.

The meeting with the members of the flaming heritage guild remained short. Noah had made it so on purpose.

Erolia's figure suddenly loomed above them and he ascended to the skies to meet his companion. The experts from the guild could only wave him goodbye in awe of his beast.