With all four experts now gathered together because of a higher power, they could now introduce themselves.

"I am Yuno, the lord of a small town outside the borders of this nation. It's pretty much tiny, but is filled with individuals who have trained under me for decades."

The expert, Yuno was a man who looked to be in his mid-forties, he had a head full of spiky long red hair with a tinge of black at its tip.

His facial features were blemish-less, and despite his spiky hair, he remained a man of refined taste, sporting a soft-looking red-black suit with a long red coat.

Thanks to his fifth-tier level his eyes constantly shone with a soft gray light. They resembled gems. Noah did not like him, however.

Yuno stood 6ft in height.

Seeing Noah remain unfazed by his words he opened his mouth to speak. Unfortunately sensing that the expert was about to say unfriendly words lady Edna raised her hand, shutting him up.