635. BOOST

Noah's expression held a feature that would make any who knew him uncomfortable. He looked rather unkempt, and his behavior featured that detail. Rowdy of sorts.

"No, I am not!" Mar-Xue yelled, standing. The intensity of her response had not been required, but she had unknowingly grown tipsy after drinking that long. Even Noah.

She felt her head spin the second her legs held up her weight. She cursed in Zhemin. Noah had literally never heard such in his life. So it sounded unique.

"You definitely are!" Noah burst into laughter, and it ended up becoming so intense he fell off his chair to curl up in a ball due to the intense contraction his chest and belly experienced.

Mar-Xue strangely found that display hilarious.

"You're also drunk, traveler."

Noah paused. "No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are! My existence tells me we're both drunk," she retorted.

"There's no way I'm drunk."

"But you are!" She seemed to rejoice.