Ch-1 beggining

[System starting!]

A voice sounded on the head of a person who was flowing in endless darkness. His eyes were close as the sound kept on sounding on his mind.







[Loading complete! The system is officially active!]

[Host inactive! Awakening host in 3...2...1...Awakening starting]

A voice sounded on the man's head as his eyes twitch as he felt pain all over his body before his eyes shot open as he could help but screamed.


[Host has awakened stopping process...]

As the pain has gone away the man was dazed for a few moments before he came back from his dizzy state. He looks around but found nothing but darkness everywhere he looks at.

But there was something odd he couldn't understand. He wasn't scared he wasn't worried or was confused. He felt that he belong and knows everything that was happening.

But he couldn't place his finger on what was going on it's like he knows it but there's a small gap that kept him from remembering.

"What's going on?" He asks in a calm tone like he wasn't alone and completely isolated. As he asks a voice sounded on his mind.

[The host has become a god inheritor and was floating on his domain]

Hearing the voice on his mind the man shows understanding by nodding his head. "Then what did I inherit from the said god?"

[Host has inherited the old god's domain that he was currently in]

The man waited for more answers but after a few minutes, the voice didn't say anything more. "is that all? What does the domain even do?"

[The domain protects the host from other gods that wanted to fight him and take away the host strength]

Hearing the answer made the man confuse after all not every day you hear that someone wanted to fight you and take away your 'Strenght'. "What do you mean wanted to fight me?"

[Like what I said, host. Gods fight for power and since the host inherit the last god's domain making him the said new god that was born from nothingness except the soul]

[The soul of every god was very powerful. Since the host soul was too strong he kept his memory of his past life but only a fraction of it]

The man nodded his head before once again repeating what the voice said on his mind. "Last thing why do you call me host? Are you like those systems I kept on reading from my past life?"

[Host can say I'm like what you said]

"Then there some functions on you right?" He asks as every novel he read that has a system shows functions that can be accessed by saying a word or thinking of the said words.

[yes host currently the system has five functions that are {Host stats}-{Ability and skills}-{shop}-{Battlefield}-{mission} I will be explaining every function]

[Firstly Host stats shows the current stats of the host or the overall power of the host. The second ability and skill like what it was named it show you ability and skills. The third is the shop where the host can buy anything that the gods needed. the fourth battlefield. Transport the host to the god's battlefield where he can become stronger and rise in honor. And lastly, the mission is a task given by the system for the host to complete]

Hearing the long explanation border the man as his eyes twitch he was thinking why to explain the host stats, ability and skills, and shop.

It was pretty obvious what it was the name along tells what it can be even if a person won't get it he or she would understand it by just using it. But nothing less the man listened very quietly.

"I see thank you. Ok, can you show me my stats?" He asks while a gold transparent screen appeared in front of him. He already knows it would appear but seeing and imagining is a very different word.

It was beautiful sight it gave off a warm feeling as he looks at all his stats. It was very ordinary like every normal level one player.

-Host stats-

Name: Adam Blue

Race: "..."

Title: None

{ Shows what kind of god the host is}

God level: 1 0% /10,000 (Exp)

{Shows the power level of the host from other gods}

Divinity: 10/10

(Currency used to buy think from the shop)

Stat points: 0

{Points to increase other stats}

Strength/Brutal force: 1

{Increase physical attack and strength of host}

Speed/Agility: 1

{Increase movement and body felxsibility}

Endurance/Defence: 1

{Increse how much damage one body can take}

Intelligence/Mind defence: 1

{Increse thinking and defense from mental attack}

Divinity/???: 1

{Increse the amount of divinity obtain and ???}

Followers: None

{Shows how much people follow you as a god}

His name was showing along with the different stats that was shown to him. But one thing made him confuse. It was his race that was blank. "System why is my race blank? Do I even have a race?"

[The race is blank because hos was born with nothingness and with no race. The host can pick what race he wants by the avatar he made]

Adam nodded his head understanding what the system is saying after all if a person is born from nothingness that means that said person has no real body or doesn't have a race.

"Then what do you mean by my avatar?" Adam asks about the last part said by the system.

[An avatar is a body made by the host to walk the mortal plain. A mortal would only see a golden transparent body but only a person who believes in the host]

"Ohh then thank you for telling me all of this" Adam said still trying to understand everything that happened he was calm on the outside but his mind is in rumbles as he was thinking what is going on.

'So I have been reincarnated and became a new god that has to fight others or I would be killed or my strength would be stolen.' Thought Adam as he imagines what it would feel to die being a god.

'Would my souls disappear? Or will other gods trap me and enslave me?' These thoughts run to his mind but he calmed himself.


He breathed out calmly as it was heard all over his domain that made Adam curiously. "Hello!"

He said as his voice traveled everywhere in this endless domain. "Well, the system did say I would be safe as long as I stayed on my domain" He nodded his head making a deciding to just stay here for all his life.


[Mission given! The host has to complete the mission or his souls would shatter!]