Ch-5 Beast

Adam nodded his head while still following the boy. The boy has determination on his face as he faster towards the forest that was a hundred meters away.

"He is a brave and courageous fellow," Adam said while he didn't feel the change to his voice and tone. He speaks as if he was a higher being but still a nice person.


A few minutes later the boy has reached the edge of the forest he stops and looks behind him where he could see Adam with a kind smile on his face that gave him the courage to move forward.

Without further delay, the boy took his first step into the forest his fist clench in excitement. He already knows what powers he got and how to use them properly. Each ability and spell has its own downside.

A skill is a power learned or given that will use his energy to use while an ability would come from his very being himself meaning a power that came out of his body that doesn't need any energy to use.

As Adam look at the child with a smile he felt his connection with the boy begging to strengthen. "System what is happening? Why do I feel like we're becoming more connected?"

[This is a normal thing Host as the more the priest believe in you the more he would be connected to the host (their god) this also helps the host communicate with his priest even if dimensions and worlds were separating them]

Adam nodded and look at the boy who has in front of a large cave that gave off an uneasy aura around it. "Feels weird like a spider trying to come near me?"


The sound of slithering sound can be heard as a small shadow came out of the cave looking at the boy with intent to kill. It was a giant snake 10 meters long and 2 meters wide.

It has yellow blood eyes that stared at the boy with hunger in his eyes. "Hmm a tassssty treat," Said the snake with Adam looking at it dumbfounded.

"Did the snake spoke? A really weird world I am in but who really cares? As long as I can relax and live another day" Adam said with a nid before the child darted to the side avoiding the snake's mouth.

"Fille beast," Said the boy before he stretches his arm out towards the snake. "Purification!" The boy shouted before a layer of white light came out of his hand and blasted towards the snake's eyes.


The snake let out a dreadful noise of pain as black some came out of his eyes it kept on banging its head on the ground before it slithers around the boy looking at him angrily.

"System what happened? This isn't how you said that the skill would work" Adam said confuse after seeing the boy injured the beat well more like a monster Adam became surprised.

[Purification is a thing that purifies all evil and the snake is evil as the sound employs for evil creatures purification is a dreadful skill that could easily kill it]\

"Ohh that's how," Adam said as he watches the boy get surrounded by the snake before it strikes him with a leap it mouth opened ready to eat the boy alive it fangs dripping venom.

"Purification!" The boy said launching another attack after he dodges the snake it went right in its mouth that was wide as a caw.

"SHHH! HUMAN! I WILL KILL YOU!" The snake said but before he could rap his body towards the boy he felt pressure on himself as if a weight of a mountain is on his body.

The boy walks towards the snake's mouth with calmness on his face like a trou priest that could withstand any storm on his was. Looking at the beast in front of him the boy spoke.

"This fille beat would be a sacrifice to my god! So other would spread his might and be know through the land!" The boy said with passion in his eyes as his hands glowed in white. "Purification!"


The snake let out a horrifying scream as black smoke came out of its body as a few souls came out of its body with a scream The soul look at Adam before they bowed at him.

Adam nodded his head still looking at the boy that was dripping in sweat as the snake coiled around trying to free himself.

The boy was steady even after a long while he was breathing heavily with a smile on his face as he felt his body became more relaxed.

After his priest killed the beast Adam heard a voice on his mind making him smile. "This is worth the 5 divinity I have paid"

[Host priest has purified (killed) A normal snake beast that has been killing the surrounding village for many years. Gain 100 exp]

Adam nodded his head before looking at the boy who was also looking at him waiting for his command. He smiled and spoke. "Well done boy you killed your first evil creature now bring it back and show the villagers that I exist!"

Adam said as the boy nodded his head with excitement in them before looking at the dead body of the snake. He looks at it before closing his eyes. "Rest in peace the souls that have been devoured by the filled beast"

The boy said before dragging the beast towards the village with a round smile on his face as Adam watch with interest on his face.

"I think this life would be much interesting watching the boy grow up! But I still need to prepare for that battle the system told me about" Said Adam before shaking his head and recalled what the boy did.

It was just watching a movie is up close and seemingly feeling the surrounding made it look more mad ass. The only thing mission is some popcorn and a drink.