Ch-8 Test and monster (part 1)

After hearing the village Adam shook his head before the voice of the system came out of his mind making his lips twitch. "I really can't have a normal day without a mission *Sigh* Hope I can just place this mission to my priest"

[Mission: The followers of the host wanted to build him a statue but the host hasn't gotten his title (Path) yet and they need to know what you are. Pick which path you are going to take.

Rewards: Statue build, 20 divinity, 2 stat points

Failure: Death]

Adam looks at the mission and he can't help but smile seeing the rewards but once he saw the penalty or if he fails he will die. *Sigh* "I just wanted to live another day why is this system making it harder for me?"

Adam said as he sighs to his fate before asking the System how would he chose his title (path). "System how would I pick my path or title?"

[Don't worry host you can choose from any one of these...]


God of the sky

God of the sea

God of the wind

God of the flame





.God of the abyss (Inherit)]

Adam looks at every single path he could take but when he reaches the bottom he saw a path that he inherits. "System that last one is that the inheritance I got from the god before me?"

[Yes host this is the recommended pick for the host as it was already inherited which the host body can easily adapt with]

Adam nodded his head before clicking on the God of the abyss. "Then let's pick it and get this mission over with I still have some watching to do"

[Host has chosen "God of the abyss" As his path teleporting host to inheritance passage! Teleporting in 3...2...1]

As Adam look at the counting number he felt a feeling that he should have not click on the god of the abyss. "Why is my life so hard?"


Adam lost his consciousness before awakening in a dark spacious place. "This place again? But I feel it's different from mine as if it was a part of my domain but now it's not?"

Adam shook his head before hearing a sound behind him. Turning around he was faced with a dark creature that looks at him hungrily. "this is a test right system? I feel like it is"

[Yes hot is correct this is a test set by the old god. If the host wanted to succeed host better win or he would die before he could start battling other gods]

"What kind of motivation is that?" Adam said before retreating back as the monster didn't move in place. This got Adam curious so he went towards it before he was in front of the beast but still after only a few inches away it didn't move.

Adam raises one of his eyebrows before walking around the beast. It was in a shape of a giant gorilla but horns sticking out of its head. "System what's going on? Why isn't this monster moving?"

[The test hasn't started yet Host. As for what is going on the Host has to attack first before the beast would love. It is like a game in the host old life when the npc would only move if attack]

"is that so but the problem is...I don't have anything to help me fight it I can feel its divinity a small amount but stronger than mine. System is it a monster created by the old god?" Adam said before lifting his hand up wanting to touch the beast.

[Yes host the monster or beast is made by the old god with one skill and that is lunch]

AS the system spoke Adam poke the beast's face as it opened its eyes before looking at Adam. It let out a low growl before launching itself towards him.


"WHAT?" Adam shouted as he was pinned down below by the giant monster. The monster clenches its fist before punching Adam on his face. Seeing he was in trouble Adam raise his hand to protect his face. "WHAT KIND OF FIGHT IS THIS? THIS IS A BRAWL NOT A FIGHT!!!"



The monster didn't stop even for a tiny bit he kept on punching Adam like a punching bag. 'The hell is going on? Why did I become a punching bag? It doesn't even hurt that much it's just pushed me back every time it punches me like a knockback'

Adam was thinking of a way to get out of his pinning as he was beating. 'System can you buy be a skill or an ability to blind this monster?'

[Yes host. Searching... Skill found! Do the host want to use 5 divinities for divine light skill?]


'Yes! Just buy it!' Adam said as he felt an energy on his body before a blue screen appeared in front of him showing him the details or description of the skill.

[Divine light- Create a high amount of light that could burn the some who saw it and blind anything that saw it. Power corresponds to how much divinity is used.]

Adam smiled inwardly as his face shown absolute calmness. He was waiting for the right time to use the skill and it was coming near. As the beast raises its hands ready to place it on Adam's face.

'Divine light! 5 divinity!' Both Adam's hands glowed in silver light as he opened his palm on the face of the monster.


Adams sight was all light as he heard the scream of the monster it took a few moments before the light completely disappears but Adam felt his energy weakening. "I guess using all my divinity is an overkill now then..."

Adam said before getting up from the ground before looking at the monster that was...On the bring of death. Half of its body was burned no it was cook to medium-rare. "Ahhh it's like that? Seriously? Did I really use too much of my strength? Well then let's end its suffering"

Adam said before walking towards the beast before raising his hand into a fist. "HAAAA!" He screened as his fist was covered in darkness before smashing the monster's head into bits.

Adam looks dumbfounded he didn't expect it to be so easy but the reality is very good for him. As long as he doesn't need to do anything and can live another day he would be glad. "Ok is it done now? System is the mission complete?"

[No host the test isn't over yet there's still one more monster left. It would be arriving in 3...2...1]


A giant gorilla-like shadow appeared in front of him as Adam look at it with a paling face but he still kept that expressionless calm face. 'System what is this?'

[It is the mother of the monster! Good luck host!]