It didn't feel like time had passed so quickly, after finishing preparing herself, Agreyta headed for the dining table to have breakfast with her father and mother. This time Agreyta left without using her automatic motorbike because her motorbike was damaged and she had not had time to service it because recently Agreyta was doing a lot of campus work and always came home late.

As she stepped out after finishing breakfast, Agreyta saw a luxurious Roll Royce sedan enter the stately house that had just been moved. Turns out it was the owner of the house. But it can't be seen clearly because the windshield of the car is very dark.

After the online taxi arrived, Agreyta immediately went to campus and said goodbye to her parents. Agreyta didn't think about who was in the Rolls Royce anymore. The journey to campus is approximately 1 hour.

1 hour later

Arriving at campus, Agreyta immediately went to class today because there were a lot of assignments on campus and Agreyta could come home late again today. Oh, yes, Joana's condition is still shaken after Andreas' confinement. He's not ready to go to college yet. Joana still needs more or less the next few months to participate in campus activities again.

The lecturer of Agreyta's course today gave a lot of practice and assignments. Besides Joana, her close friend, Agreyta, has a college friend, she is also named Chaterine. Chaterine often asks Agreyta for help in doing her assignments on campus, it's not that she doesn't understand but she likes to discuss with Agreyta because Agreyta is known to be very intelligent and able to master her subjects. Agreyta is the head of the campus assignments group. However, Agreyta is not the least bit arrogant, she often helps her friends when they are having difficulties in their subjects. Some Lecturers who are unable to attend often ask Agreyta to be a Lecturer's assistant. Now imagine how busy Agreyta is on campus.

Back to Agreyta Residence

Agreyta's mother plans to open a new boutique branch specifically for wedding dresses because she sees a lot of fans and customers asking about it. Agreyta's mother asked for input from her husband, Agreyta's own father. And the conversation started.

Mother : I want to ask if you agree or not if you open a new branch of a special boutique for wedding clothes?

Dad : Papi, it's up to long as it's running and the funds are enough, just go ahead mami. Our savings fund is not enough mami. If it's enough, just use it for additional capital for Mami's branch store.

Mother : In fact, it's a bit lacking. I'll try to ask Agreyta later, does she have a savings slip, if there's mommy, I want to borrow it first, hehe.

Father : Yes, if you can, mami, don't bother Agreyta.

Mother : No, Papi, mami discussed it with Agreyta last night, she said she wanted to add to it, after all, she has always had extra income as a lecturer assistant for 2 courses and opens less private English. And he said he wanted to check the balance first.. because half the funds have been set aside to buy a car later.

Dad : Oh that's right.. just arrange mami.

Back to Agreyta

Not realizing it was already 11 o'clock at night, Agreyta was surprised that she was so tired that she fell asleep in the campus library. He immediately packed his things and went home. The campus security guard who saw it just rebuked him then Agreyta waited for a taxi to pass by.

Waiting for more than 1 hour but no taxi passed, suddenly a luxury car Rolls Royce stopped in front of Agreyta and a handsome and attractive foreign man got down from the luxury car and approached Agreyta and offered to take Agreyta home. He is Mikaelo the handsome Vampire, Mikaelo already knows Agreyta's strengths that can interact directly with spirits for that Mikaelo uses a special ring so Agreyta can't feel that he is Dracula who lives eternally.

Mikaelo : Evening Agreyta...let's go home with me.

Agreyta : Hey ... who are you I also don't know, sorry, don't pretend to know. How do you know my name. Don't you follow me, your villain.

Mikaelo : Hey sweet lady, beautiful lady, don't think negative first, why sich. I know your name from the people around your house, sure you don't want to go home together at night, you know, this is dangerous for a woman as beautiful as you. No need to worry you can write down my license plate if I'm bad.

Agreyta : Hmmm, how about that ... okay, watch out if you have a lot of things with me, okay?

Mikaelo : Okay ... ready miss.. My princess ohh let me introduce my name Mikaelo I just moved from the city of Milan, Italy to Jakarta. Our house is not far.

Agreyta : It doesn't matter, you explain, you know, you're a mysterious newcomer who never opened your car window. What a strange man.

Mikaelo : How mysterious sich ... hehhee you huh .. don't get me wrong My Princess . Well, let's go, it's late, it's not good for you, wear my jacket, it's very cold tonight. Remember from tomorrow I will drop you off and pick you up if I'm not busy.

Agreyta : Ihh all call me My Princess again since when I became your queen. You're a strange man, I don't want it, I'm sure you want evil intentions.

Finally they got into the car and while on the road Agreyta just stared at Mikaelo's handsome face, which was very similar to the man in her dreams every night.

Mikaelo : Why Miss.. hmmm amazed by my good looks huh.

Agreyta : uhh don't you care.. (talking to myself "Oh my God, he really looks like a foreign man who is always present in my dreams, and why is it so hard for me to get out of this car")

As fast as a flash Mikaelo 's face was only about 5 millimeters , Mikaelo brought his face closer and almost touched Agreyta 's lips he wanted to fasten Agreyta 's seat belt . Agreyta had tried to stay away but accidentally their lips met each other. I don't know what possessed Agreyta's soul, she couldn't resist Mikaelo's soft kiss and they finally drifted into a passionate kiss.

Mikaelo : I'm sorry Miss... I've been longing for moments with women. I'm sorry if I'm being rude.

Agreyta : Yes, I'm also sorry Mikaelo, I was too presumptuous to return your kiss.

Mikaelo : It's okay hmmm how about starting tomorrow we get to know each other better. So that you know who I am. For that, starting tomorrow I will pick you up and take you to college.

Agreyta : Hmm no need, I don't want to bother anyone

Mikaelo : Don't bother My Princess, don't reject me it will hurt me. And don't just call me Mr Mikaelo.

Agreyta : Well ... hmmm why don't you find a partner, you are the perfect man anyone is interested in you.

Mikaelo : I'm not interested in others, later you will also know who deserves to be loved by me.

Agreyta : Alright ... well I've come down first, thank you Mikaelo.

Mikaelo : Yes, My Princess, see you tomorrow, have a nice dream.

Arriving in front of the house, father and mother saw Agreyta being escorted by a very perfect handsome man. When Agreyta's parents asked who the stranger was, Agreyta only answered with a smile.

From a distance, Joana saw the figure of this handsome man and it seemed that Joana wanted to have Mikaelo.

Joana "I wonder who this handsome man is, very perfect. Of course this heart is happy if you can have it even though maybe he is Agreyta's lover I will take him tomorrow I will meet Agreyta to ask him, I know for sure Agreyta will be willing to give in for me, her old friend, that is me ".