Finally, after waiting for two years, today Joana is free from her sentence. Willy and Joana's parents today picked up Joana to go home with them to gather again like before.

Tears broke out that afternoon when Joana was released from prison, the tears of her family and lover Willy couldn't be held back anymore. In a different location, Agreyta was moved to hear that Joana would be free today, even though Joana had tried to be mean, but Agreyta didn't have the slightest grudge against Joana. Agreyta still loves Joana like her own sister.

The plan after celebrating Joana's freedom, Joana and Willy will continue to take care of the preparations for their wedding. Joana wanted a wedding party with a beautiful island atmosphere, so she chose the island of Raja Ampat in Papua. Yes indeed there are many beautiful islands in Indonesia but Joana really likes the island of Raja Ampat. And their plan is to go on a honeymoon to South Korea, it's not that Joana doesn't want a honey moon to a European country, Joana chooses South Korea because she is interested in its culture.

Joana is very lucky to have Willy, a kind and patient man who can always guide her, Willy's mature thoughts make Joana fall in love with him. Yes, the name is a mate, no one knows at first they were just friends because Willy used to be Agreyta's lover. After breaking up with Agreyta, Willy once had a fiancé named Renata, but Renata had betrayed Willy. Renata had doubled Willy and hurt him because that's why the engagement between them had to end. Renata tried to apologize but Willy didn't want to come back to her because for Willy Renata's mistake had been fatal.

Flash back

Willy is a police officer, he serves as the Regional Police Chief in the Surabaya area. Yes, you know that the work of the police is often very difficult when you have a task to have time for your family. Willy often goes out on duty and rarely has time with Renata. One time Willy deliberately tested Renata's loyalty, he pretended to say there was an assignment even though he was just hiding somewhere to investigate Renata's loyalty, because during dating for the past few months Willy smelled dishonesty from Renata. And at that moment Willy saw Renata walking with another man and entering the hotel. That's where Willy saw Renata's betrayal firsthand. Willy was shocked to see her fiancé sleeping with another man without wearing a single shirt. Like being struck by lightning, his sincere affection must be paid with betrayal.

Willy : Rena... How dare you, I'm outside on duty betting your life, having fun sleeping with jerks. Outrageous .. it turns out this is your reward for my sacrifice so far. What am I lacking huh .. whatever I give you everything .. And now you don't show your face in front of me anymore. I'm fed up..Continue your affair there and take the ring and our engagement ends.

Renata : I beg ... pardon ... forgive Willy, I have been tempted. Don't...don't you end our engagement I love you Willy. Don't leave me..don't love.

Willy : What did you say, are you crazy Rena ... If indeed I have a shortage say .. don't be a cheap woman like this And you said that you were tempted, as long as you know that if I want to go crazy, I can do it when I'm away from you, many women want to be with me, but I won't be as petty as you. And remember I don't want to see your face and body anymore I'm fed up... just get married there with your mistress. You forgot I'm a cop so it's easy for me to know if someone is bad or not. Our relationship ends here, don't you dare show your face anymore, remember that.

Renata : No Willy don't ever leave me , Hikkss Hiksss (Renata's Crying), remember I will never let you be owned by anyone..

Willy : Hahahaha ... just try it if you dare .. your life is at stake. Good bye cheap woman.

When he remember the incident while in the gallery of the bridal boutique, Willy's face looked so sad. He hoped that Joana could really love him. Joana then approached him and hugged him from behind.

Joana : Hey...why are you sad Willy my dear, hmm I know you must be remembering what happened during your engagement, right? Hmm it's already embarrassing for people to see.

Willy : Yes... Hikss... Hikss the pain is still in my heart . Jo do you really want to marry me, cause I don't want any fakes between us.

Joana : Hmm you doubt me and equate me with your ex Renata huh. Now it's just like this, I'm tired of always crying, lonely, no love. I love you because you want to accept me as I am. I may not be able to prove anything right now but I will try to be a good wife and mother of our children.

Willy : Ohh Realy.. Praise God if you really love me too.

Joana : Sstt I will be yours forever, as well as you will be mine. I'm even jealous if your best friend's policewomen are too close to you.

Willy : Hahaha no dear, they will not dare because I have never served them at all. Thank you .. hehehe you are jealous of me .. it means you really love me.

Joana : Yes, it's really a shame, if you don't believe it, tonight I'll give you a surprise.

Willy : is I can't wait what the hell hahahaha

Joana : Just want to know you, the answer will be in your apartment. Can I stay..

Willy: Yes, you can be my wife soon, and you can stay in my apartment. Because everything that i have is belongs to you.

Joana : Oh, yes, if you can, don't be too handsome if you want to go to the office. Because so many girls on a flirt with you.

Willy : Hahaha what the hell Joana , are you jealous huh...don't worry my all depends on me...if I don't serve, they don't dare. Already you can ask my loyalty to Agreyta.

Joana : I even remember Agreyta again... yes, I know she's more beautiful than me.

Willy : hmm I think you need to kiss me... how have I ever compared both of you. What the hell are you, Agreyta is just my past. Now, come on, don't think negatively, it's not good. I'm just saying that the living witness that I'm loyal is Agreyta.

Joana : Okay I am sorry my dear, it's nothing I just don't want you to be taken away. I really love you.

Willy : Yes my dear. Thank you. You don't have to be jealous of anyone because I'm not a playboy. One thing my message is keep my trust, you must be ready to be a police wife. Never betray me. If I have a lack of communication, so that it doesn't become a problem later.

Joana : Yes ... you must be like that too. If I have a wrong attitude, please rebuke me, tell me where I went wrong.

Willy : Yes dear, I hope that I will always be given a long life so that I can always protect you and guide you.

Joana : Yes...Amen

From the far side there is a woman who is observing Joana and Willy in the bridal boutique. She is Renata. She has a plan to harm Joana so that Willy cannot be owned by anyone and destroy Willy and Joana's happiness.

"Hmm, apparently you guys are planning a wedding huh, okay .. okay I give you happiness for a moment get married but remember what happens after that I will ruin your happiness, because Willy is only mine and no one has the right to have what I have" (Renata )