It's been three days since Joana has disappeared and is being held captive by Renata, his ex, Willy. Willy and the team have arrived at the city where Joana is but still have to travel 7 hours to reach Renata's hiding location. For that, when we arrived at the local headquarters, we set our strategy to use a plain plate car so that Renata and dozens of her bodyguards wouldn't know our arrival.

Willy brought 50 teams today as well as the ranks of the Army special forces who helped in the raid tomorrow morning. The vehicles that will depart are approximately 10 cars, each car carrying 5 people. Weapons have been prepared, tents and food supplies have also been prepared. It's 12 noon and if the journey takes 7 hours it means they will all arrive around 7 pm. Shortly after discussing they started to leave, the journey this time took quite a long time, I hope they safely arrived at their destination and managed to free Joana.

Returning to Renata's hiding place, Lukas the accomplice wanted to inform Renata of Joana's progress, then after that Renata went out to Joana's room.

Lukas: Excuse me boss, why don't we take her to the hospital, sadly, there's an innocent child.

Renata : What kind of stupid are you, if we take the hospital where we are we are caught. Come on, get the food supplements, let me give it 15 minutes for sure she will come back to her senses. Wow, this woman is so troublesome.

It wasn't long before Lukas took the medicine, then Renata injected it into the Infusion fluid line. After 15 minutes Joana woke up and her eyes opened again, but her face still looked pale because she had been dehydrated for two days.

Joana : Ahhhssss.... where am I..?

Renata : Hey...why do you always make it hard for me, I told you to release Willy for me then I will release you and your future child.

Joana : Let go of my words, you are an insane woman to death I will never give Willy for you. Will never.

Renata : Shut up I said, you stupid woman hahahaha. Ohh, so you want me to make it difficult for you, yes, there it is, please soon death will pick you up.

Joana : you woman .... you're crazy Ren, let me go ... let go.

Renata : Shout - scream no one can hear your voice stupid woman. Remember your time will soon run out, and your child will not survive hahahaha

Joana : Hahahaa I'm not afraid, God will help me .. Until I die I will never be willing to give up my husband for you.

Renata : Shut up, remember in a matter of a few hours get ready for your life to float. Before Willy managed to pick you up you were dead in my hands stupid woman.

Joana: Hahaha you are stupid woman , so there is no man who really loves you. That is why you are never happy in love.

Renata : Plakkkk ( Renata slaps Joana ) Don't talk to me, I'm a super rich supermodel now. Whatever I can do I understand

Joana : Don't worry .. just shoot me .. I'm not afraid to die.

Finally Renata left Joanan alone in the dark room.

It didn't feel like the long journey of Willy and the team had arrived, all vehicles were parked in the forest and bush areas so that Renata and the guards wouldn't notice, after arriving they immediately made a tent to stay the night because tomorrow morning they would ambush Renata and dozens of her bodyguards.

Willy : Tomorrow morning all the teams at 5 am will start spying on the empty house, at 6 am we will carry out direct raids but don't let any of them use weapons because my wife is still inside. I'll be the first to infiltrate and then when I've managed to get my wife out...I'll give you the code.

Team: Ready to do it sir

Willy : Yes, now let's take a break and prepare all the equipment for tomorrow morning.

Team: Ready to do it sir

The clock ticked on Willy and the team prepared each other's gear for tomorrow's ambush. While in the empty house, Renata did not realize the arrival of Willy and his team had already surrounded her hiding place. It didn't feel like the night was getting late, the cold wind was piercing the bones. Willy, who was imagining his wife, felt very tight in his chest, how could the wife he loved so dearly be tortured by his ex, Renata. "Patience, dear I will soon free you, tomorrow morning I will take you home".

The night quickly turned to morning, I didn't realize it was already 5 in the morning the whole team had surrounded the entire location of Renata's hideout. Then after knowing the location of Joana's room Willy sneaked in slowly through the window, when he found Joana Willy immediately carried Joana. Joana just kept quiet because her condition was weak again. After Willy managed to bring Joana out , then Willy gave an ambush code . "Door...Door"

All the guards have been shot, Renata was shot but managed to escape with her accomplice Lukas. Willy and the medical team immediately took Joana to the nearest hospital for treatment. During the trip, Willy's cellphone rang "Drrrt..Drrttt", it turned out that the call was from Tio's subordinates.

Willy : Yes Tio what's wrong?

Tio : Sorry sir, I want to report that the suspect Renata and her accomplice Lukas managed to escape through the river behind the forest.

Willy : It's not like Renata has been shot, right, how can they escape.

Tio : Yes, sir, she only hit Renata's arm and she was taken away by Lukas and decided to jump in the rush of the river.

Willy : Yes, seeing that the weather is not favorable, we can arrange another time for another day, the most important thing is that my wife is safe. It's useless to be forced to search for things that are dangerous for us in this weather. Later we will arrange again to arrest them.

Tio : Ready to do it sir. I convey to all the team, sir.

Willy : Okay

When Willy and Joana arrived at the nearest hospital, Joana was immediately given help. Willy waited anxiously and anxiously because his beloved wife and future child had been held captive by criminals. After 30 minutes the doctor came out giving a report that Joana and the baby were fine, just dehydrated. Doctors have given injections of vitamins and painkillers. In the next 1 hour Joana will be able to regain consciousness.