5 Months Later

Back to Joana and Willy, I can't believe Joana's pregnancy has entered more than 9 months. Just a matter of days then Willy Junior will be born . Willy and Joana can't wait for their first child to be born. Joana and Willy have prepared everything so that when they are about to give birth all the equipment for the stay is ready. The baby's room and equipment have also been prepared.

When Joana was making a cup of coffee for Willy, suddenly Joana's stomach hurt and the water broke. Seeing this, Willy immediately took Joana to the hospital. Willy drove his car quickly , the trip to the hospital took about 30 minutes . Yes fortunately, the traffic was smooth, so there were no problems when Willy's car went to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, the nurses immediately took Joana to the delivery room.

1 hour later, thank God Willy Junior was finally born safely and normally. With a length of 52 and a weight of 3.2 kg, male. The team of doctors and nurses immediately informed Willy. With a happy face Willy immediately went to Joana's room. Willy saw Joana holding their child.

Joana : Hi dear, this is our child who was born so handsome like you.

Willy : Oh my God Amen dear you both are healthy and safe. Yes very handsome and eyes like yours. Hmm have you prepared the name?

Joana : Not yet honey, just come along. Coincidentally, it's August.

Willy : Okay, let's name it Augustine Wiliam, okay, I'll read the prayer here first.

Joana : Yes dear be careful. Ohh yes, you have informed our parents.

Willy : It's all dear, even Agreyta and Mikaelo want to come, they said they will depart from Italy tomorrow.

Joana : Oh, by the way, I also want to apologize to Agreyta for my past mistakes.

Willy : It's a shame that the problem has passed, Agreyta is not a vengeful woman, she is an old friend, she can definitely forgive you. Trust me, I know Agreyta well.

Joana : Yes, you know the person you used to be her ex boyfriend .

Willy : Hmm, starting to get jealous, it's not clear, before I became her ex, I used to know her better dear. By the way, you just get jealous so quickly. Mmmuuuaachh.

Joana : Hahahah sorry dear.

Back to Agreyta and Mikaelo

Hearing the happy news from Willy and Joana, Mikaelo and I were also happy, for that we intend to come to Indonesia while we visit to meet my mom and dad. My daughter now 3 years old because she growth is very fast, my daughter normal count should be more than 1 year old. Yes, it's because my daughter still has Dracula's blood lineage. Even her motor development is growing very fast.

Agreyta : It's a shame how the tickets are ready for the day after tomorrow, do we get a schedule or not.

Mikaelo : It's a shame the day after tomorrow we can go, well finally Joana and Willy have a child, right. Of course they are very happy like us.

Agreyta : Yes, I'm just happy you know, oh yeah, yesterday Joana sent a chat message she wanted to apologize for her mistake that had ruined our marriage.

Mikaelo : Yes, I still remember it very much, but we must forgive dear. After all, she has already been punished for her mistakes.

Agreyta : I always forgive her my dear, even though she has hurt me. After all she and I are like family . And I'm glad she found the right partner in Willy. Oh, yeah, I'm going to go out for a while to find a gift for Joana's daughter.

Mikaelo : In my opinion, it's better if we just buy it in Indonesia, it's a hassle to bring it if we buy it here, honey.

Agreyta : Oh yeah, we'll just look for it when we arrive in Jakarta.

Mikaelo : Okay honey, I'm staying for a while, I want to finish work with a client, because maybe we will stay for 2 weeks in Indonesia, so I don't have any burden, so I'll finish it first

Agreyta : Yes dear please, oh yes sometimes I like to laugh. This is the first time I've seen Dracula has business.

Mikaelo : Yes, actually Mr. Cleon's treasure never runs out, I did this to cover up my identity that I'm Dracula hehehe. Yes, let's just say I'm modern Dracula, dear.

Agreyta : Hehehe yeah yeah...ohh yeah when we go later what will happen to the teenage girls here who are still virgins. Surely the young Dracula will be looking for prey again. Have you taken care of it?

Mikaelo : I've taken care of them, but it turns out they're much faster. But when I come back here I will face them myself.

Agreyta : Are you alone or not, I don't want you to fight them alone. They are both dear I don't want to lose you.

Mikaelo : Shhh never mind I'm a tough Dracula, I used to be a war knight too dear. I'll be fine, I won't let that young Dracula and Mr.Cleon get his holy blood.

Agreyta : Who really is the owner of the holy blood?

Mikaelo : Someday I will tell you who is the owner of the holy blood and who is the young Dracula.

Agreyta : Start a secret with me, just tell me now.

Mikaelo : Unfortunately not now, yes, the time is not right.

Agreyta : Well it's up to you, I will pack clothes for our departure to Jakarta Indonesia.

Mikaelo : Mmmuuuaaccchh okay my dear I want to go to the office first and I'll say goodbye, I want to meet a client to discuss cooperation.

Agreyta : Yes my dear be careful, are you going to a different country or what?

Mikaelo : Don't just go to the city of Turin dear. I was at home last night. Be careful honey, if there is anything, touch the ring of the god's crown and then call my name.

Agreyta : Okay my dear

Then I continued to pack clothes for my departure the day after tomorrow to Jakarta Indonesia. When I was packing suddenly my phone rang and it was from Angelo.

"Drrtt Drrtt"

Agreyta : Hello, Angelo, what's wrong?

Angelo : Morning Grey, how are you feeling? Ohh yes, the day after tomorrow I want to play at your house.

Agreyta : Wow, I'm so sorry Angelo the day after tomorrow I left for Indonesia and I stayed for 2 weeks in Jakarta.

Angelo : Oh that's right, why is something wrong? Is there a problem in Indonesia Grey?

Agreyta : Oh no, I want to visit Joana and Willy's children, just yesterday they child were born. I also want to see my mom and dad. I miss seeing them for a long time.

Angelo : Ohh okay, well I want to join but I still have a lot of work to do. I'll give you a gift.

Agreyta: Just leave the money, transfer it to my account, I'll buy the gifts. If you bring it from here, it will be a hassle to bring it.

Angelo : Okay, what is your account number of bank Grey, I'll transfer right away.

Agreyta : okay, I'll send you my account number of bank, okay I want to continue packing first. Bye Angelo.

Angelo : Bye too