7 days later

I can't believe it's been a week since Joana moved to Andreas' house to be precise in America. And it's been exactly one week since the affair between Willy and Jessica alias Renata happened at Jessica's Apartment. It's time for Joana to rise from her sadness and look to the future for her happiness. Today, Andreas plans to introduce Joana to all of his employees. Joana will serve as the new CEO at Andreas Enterprise. One of the well-known companies in America, precisely in New York City, is engaged in Contractors.

Andreas wants to make Joana a successful and independent woman without depending on others for her life. Andreas also wants to educate Joana to be a strong and intelligent woman. When Joana arrived with Andreas at his office. Joana saw an amazing view of a very luxurious office with luxurious buildings in every office. Joana did not think that she would soon be the CEO of Andreas Enterprise. Like getting a beautiful diamond from the sky, Joana was so happy and grateful that when marriage make her hurt, she got the most beautiful gift from God.

Step by step Joana passed room by room. She arrived at a luxurious and exclusive room where the CEO's room which she would soon occupy. When entering the CEO's room, Joana was amazed again with a very luxurious interior design that makes working comfortable. Then when Joana took the CEO chair she looked around and couldn't believe that she would soon be the new CEO. Andreas on the sidelines of the opportunity explained the history of the company's establishment and took Joana around to meet dozens of employees. Then after he was done circling the company, Andreas took the time to talk to Joana to discuss the company's problems.

Andreas : How does you feel Jo at home whether you are here, the work room is comfortable or not, if there is a shortage, just tell me later I will immediately tell my people to replace it.

Joana : Hmm not at all lacking Andreas even very comfortable . Thank you for trusting me to run this company. I hope I don't want to dissapointed you.

Andreas : Never mind my lovely Joana, just relax here, you're the new leader here, you manage it your way later, if there's a problem, just ask me. I will be here always to be by your side. So don't worry, I know you can do it.

Joana : Alright thanks Andreas

Back to Transylvania precisely at the residence of Mr. Cleon, he has a new plan to turn himself into Pablo, the younger brother of Mikaelo who also died 1000 years ago but his body was still intact and hidden by Mr.Cleon. He targets Joana to be his girlfriend. Pablo's face, Mikaelo's younger brother, is not that far from Mikaelo's, it's just that the difference in face shape is that Mikaelo has a long thin face while Pablo has a slightly square face with connecting eyebrows.

It turns out that Mr. Cleon has been eyeing Joana from a distance for a long time and has been secretly admiring Joana's face because she really wants to make her empress in Dracula's palace in Transylvania. Until now, Mikaelo did not know that his brother's body during the Roman war 1000 years ago had been hidden by his adoptive parents, Mr.Cleon. Then Mr.Cleon approached Pablo's body and said "Hi Pablo in a minute I'll borrow your face, I want to marry Joana".

Then Mr.Cleon approached Pablo's body and touched his face in an instant his face had turned into Pablo's. A King Dracula begins his evil plan to control humans to become his consort. Joana's figure always makes Mr. Cleon fall in love and harbor a feeling of love. Mr.Cleon really misses the consort of his life companion but never gets the right one, it's not that he can't find another girl or woman but no one has been able to make Mr.Cleon happy. When he saw the figure of Joana from a distance he was so happy and wanted to have her to be made empress in his palace in Transylvania, the eastern European state.

Mr. Cleon has a werewolf descendant who is in charge of being his spy. His name is Roneo. Roneo has been very loyal to accompany and accompany Mr.Cleon for 2000 years. Initially Roneo was just a commoner but when Mr.Cleon became King in Transylvania he was appointed as Mr.Cleon's accomplice and he was attacked by a werewolf and almost died he was saved because Mr.Cleon saved him. But sometimes he can turn into a wolf or a black dog and even an eagle when he becomes a spy. Shortly when Roneo was preparing dinner for Mr.Cleon, Mr.Cleon called him. "Roneo hurry you to my room".

Roneo : Yes, sir, Cleon, I'm here, what's wrong, sir, can I help you?

Mr.Cleon : Okay, look at my new look, I borrowed the face of Pablo, his brother Mikaelo the named is Plablo was dead 1000 years a go. Yes, please tonight you turn into an eagle, find out where Joana is, look at her face.

Roneo : Alright sir, I'll do it right away tonight, ohh yes sir, I prefer your face which is now younger hehehee.

Mr. Cleon : Yes, go back to your place, don't forget tonight to find out where Joana is, if you get the location, let me know immediately.

Roneo : Okay sir, I will go back to work first

Back to Joana and Andreas after Joana got to know each other with some of the employees. Joana studied the company's material and what to do as a CEO. Andreas in addition to introducing Joana as the new CEO at Andreas Enterprise, Andreas also introduced Joana as his future wife. Hearing this, all the employees were happy while Joana herself felt embarrassed and blushed.

Joana : Hey... Andreas, what the hell are you all saying I'm your future wife when are you trying to propose to me. Don't make a rumor in your office.

Andreas : Hahaha never mind they are also happy that you will be my wife in the future. And after your farewell letter came down I immediately proposed to you, my dear Joana

Joana : Hmm don't believe in yourself first, did I really want to be with you hahahhaa.

Andreas : Hmmm I will always patiently wait for you until you can love me again like before. I know I've hurt your feelings many times. I'm sorry, Joana.

Joana : never mind Andreas it's only the past that matters now I want to look to my future and become a successful woman for me and my son's happiness.

Andreas : Calm down Joana as long as I'm still breathing I will always help you. And I know you will be successful that's for sure. Just enjoy your happiness from now onwards.

Joana : Thank you Andreas for everything I will try to give my best and will not disappoint you.

Andreas : Yes, Joana you're welcome.