Back to Agreyta and Mikaelo's residence

The latest news from Milan Italia Agreyta as usual is still in activity as the wife of Mikaelo . Queen Brenda Francessca who has grown up looks even more beautiful like a royal princess. Queen is now 6 years old but his body is already as tall as an 8 year old child. This year Agreyta plans to enroll Queen's school into the best elementary school in the Italian city of Milan, seeing that Queen's development of intelligence is above average. When the test time Quen passed with the best score, a teacher there advised Queen to go to school immediately.

While Agreyta was preparing things for Quen's school needs, suddenly a bell rang from the main door. Queen went straight out to open the door and it turned out that the guest was Angelo who was none other than Brandon in disguise. I don't know what because of the inner contact between Queen and Angelo, Queen is always comfortable around Angelo. Yes of course because Angelo alias Brandon is Queen's father. But this is only known to Mr.Cleon, Mikaelo and Angelo. Queen seemed to see an angel before his eyes and immediately ran to hug Angelo aka Brandon.

Agreyta : Who came Queen?

Angelo : I'm Angelo, well it looks like this beautiful uncle's niece is about to enter elementary school, right.

Agreyta : Yes Angelo she has passed the test at school. I am also surprised that her intelligence is above the average child in general.

Angelo : Oh, it's clear that she looks like her mother and father for sure. Yes, when you start school, how about uncle who delivers and picks you up.

Queen : Horeee of course I want uncle, Mom, May uncle Angelo will deliver me . Please Mom.

Agreyta : Yes, we will discuss it with daddy later. Ohh yes Angelo how when will Brandon come here if he is still long in America.

Angelo : Ohh hmm he's still busy he said one day he would come and give you a surprise he said.

Agreyta : Huhh, basically, he's always been full of surprises, I hope he's healthy. I'm really worried about him. Say warm regards to Brandon.

Angelo : Yes, I'll tell him later if he call me later okay. Wow, I'm really happy that you always worried to Brandon . If only I were Brandon, I'd be very happy.

Agreyta : Hahaha you are just there, Brandon has been in my heart and no one has been able to replace Brandon's position in my heart.

Angelo : Wow does that mean you still love him Grey hmm?

Agreyta : I do not know it 's hard to put into words honestly I really miss him . Hikks hikksss (Agreyta sheds tears)

Angelo : Shhh never mind Gray I also don't want to see you cry, okay? He'll be fine, no need to worry. Then Angelo alias Brandon said in his heart. (Duhh I really want to hug him, Gray, I'm Brandon, I'm sorry, one day I will be honest with you dear)

Agreyta : Ohh yeah .. I'll make some hot coffee for you . Sit down with Quen first, okay?

Angelo : Ok, oh, where is Mikaelo, where is he, why didn't I see him earlier?

Agreyta : He's been in England for three days on diamonds at least a few days later he's back. Yes, I've been making coffee for a while.

Angelo : Siip okay

Now we turn to the city of Transylvania, precisely in the Palace of Mr.Cleon the King Dracula who is currently disguised as Pablo. Seeing Joana making out with Andreas from his inner vision Mr.Cleon got angry and clenched his fists. His handsome face turned into a monster's face and filled with anger. "Roneo....come now to my room"

Roneo : Yes Mr. Cleon I'm coming sir what's wrong?

Mr. Cleon : I want you to kill Andreas , don't let the two of them get married . Make Andreas killed in any way. Joana just for me. Cannot belong to anyone.

Roneo : But what kind way sir, please give me instructions so I don't make a mistake.

Mr. Cleon : Ahhh you're still asking, you've been serving me for thousands of years, time to ask again. Tomorrow I want you to kill him by turning him into a small animal or whatever it's up to you and you get into his silver sports car and then when he crosses a big tree the magic of the tree makes the tree fall and fall right above.

his car so he no longer exists in this world. I can also have Joana completely so that nothing will stand in my way anymore.

Roneo : Okay sir, tomorrow I will carry out your duty.

Mr. Cleon : Remember one thing, don't leave any marks, make it look like he was an accident.

Roneo : Yes sir, I'll do it right away, I'm sorry sir.

Mr. Cleon : Okay, back to work again there

" Joana Joana you are only for me no one can have you except me, I will make you empress in my palace. And you Andreas soon I will eliminate you, because Joana is not for you stupid man hahahahaa Joana is only mine "

When Mr. Cleon was sitting in silence, Brandon came over to him with a surprised face to see the room was a mess full of broken things.

Angelo : Morning Mr. Cleo sorryn, what's wrong, why does your face look full of anger.

Mr. Cleon : I'm okay just tired and what are you doing here is there anything important?

Angelo : Hmm nothing - nothing I just want to visit you. We haven't spoken to each other in a long time.

Mr. Cleon : Hmmm that's right, I also want to tell a little story. I'm currently in love with a woman but she doesn't know that I'm the King Dracula.

Angelo : Are you in love, but with whom, may I know if I know her.

Mr. Cleon : Hmmm of course you know her very well, she is a good friend of your ex Agreyta.

Angelo : Don't tell me you fell in love with Joana.

Mr. Cleon : yes that's right, long before I met you, I've been eyeing it from a distance for a very long time but I haven't dared to appear because my physique hasn't fully recovered.

Angelo : Ohhh then have you told your feelings to her.

Mr. Cleon : Yes, but it seems she still chooses a stupid man named Andreas.

Angelo : Do you need my help sir?

Mr. Cleon : No need I've give this duty for Roneo to finish off Andreas. I wanted Andreas to die in an accident so no one would know that I was behind all this. One thing, young people, don't let this leak anywhere if you don't keep this secret your life is at stake.

Angelo : Ready sir calm down, I already consider you my own father.

Mr.Cleon : Alright smart, come home, I want to rest.

Angelo : Okay sir, I also want to go home first, if you need help, please call me.

Mr. Cleon : Yes okay thank you