One day has passed after Joana woke up from her stupor, she immediately prepared everything for the funeral of Andreas, the man she currently loves the most. Tears did not stop always flooding Joana's beautiful face. All employees, relations, friends and relatives were shocked by the sad news of Andreas' tragic death. Arriving at Agreyta's house, Mikaelo and their daughter Queen had arrived at Andreas Mansion's house. Andreas' body had arrived at the house suddenly all the guests were crying and couldn't believe that they had to lose a friend, relative, and a wise leader. Agreyta, who saw Joana's arrival along with Andreas' body, immediately hugged Joana, who was devastated because she had lost Andreas so quickly.

But unlike Mikaelo, he secretly checked Andreas' body to see what had happened before Andreas was hit by a big tree. Because Mikaelo felt that there was something odd about Andreas' death and in Mikaelo's vision the mastermind behind all of Andrea's deaths was Mr. Cleon the king of Dracula who is none other than his own adoptive father. Mikaelo was so furious that he wanted to destroy even exterminate Mr.Cleon then he approached Agreyta to talk about this.

Agreyta : Yes, what's the matter dear, do you see the strangeness of Andrea's death.

Mikaelo : Yes, that's right, it turns out that this is what my adoptive father did Mr. Cleon he wants to get rid of Andreas because he wants to take Joana for him to be his consort in the palace. Shhh, but don't tell Joana about this, she'll be in shock. Of course he couldn't understand such a mysterious thing.

Agreyta : Then what do you want to do?

Mikaelo : Never mind, it's my job, I'll take care of it, the most important thing is that you continue to accompany Joana, I'm sorry she must be very sad.

Agreyta : Yes dear okay I will always cheer for Joana . Yes, do what you have to do.

Then Agreyta brought in Joana who was still in shock because of Andreas' sudden and tragic departure. Agreyta continued to comfort him so that Joana would not be hit for a long time. Every now and then Joana fell limp because she remembered memories with Andreas , their dreams of being together forever were shattered . Just felt happiness again - again Joana had to accept the fact that Andreas was no longer by her side.

Agreyta : Jo I love you , I know you are very devastated . But don't be like this Andreas is sad to see you there.

Joana : Hikkksss Hikkksss ( Joana is crying ) I just feel happy Gray tomorrow we both want to go on vacation together . I told you the weather was bad last night, don't go, but he'd rather attend his best friend's party. If only Carlos hadn't forced him to come maybe Andreas would still be here hikksss hiksss. And I will never forgive Carlos all because of him.

Agreyta : Ehhh shhhhhh you can't blame Carlos this is Joana's destiny. You don't hold grudges so it will become a disease in the heart.

Joana : No I will not forgive him , this is all because of Carlos ... because Carlos ... he has taken my Andreas hikkksss hiksssss . Our dreams were all shattered after last night's accident. Gray, why am I always like this? God is unfair to me.

Agreyta : Hey shhhhhh, you can't blame God, it's not good, Jo I'm still here... calm down. Can you be calmer Jo poor Andreas seeing you like this.

Joana : Hikkkssssss I'm not ready to lose Andreas Grey.

Agreyta : Yes yes I understand very well ...let's go calm down okay I will always be by your side . Mikaelo has allowed me to stay a few months here until you can smile again.

Joana : Yes, thank you Gray, thank you for always being there for me.

Not long after, Joana's parents came and approached Joana, who was grieving. When Joana's parents arrived, Agreyta immediately helped with the preparations for Andrea's funeral this afternoon. Given that everything has come. After Andreas' body was washed clean, then continued prayer to release Andrea's departure for good. Joana, who was still devastated, was accompanied by her parents to be strong and sincere in letting Andreas go.

The prayer session was over and then continued to go to the cemetery, hundreds of guests accompanied Andrea's departure to the cemetery where he rested. Several dozen of Andreas' bodyguards and the officers accompanied Andreas' body for the last time. Sobs accompanied Andreas' unexpected departure so quickly and tragically. Joana, who was in the car with Agreyta and Joana's parents, could only limp. Everyone in the car always encouraged Joana so that Joana would not faint again. Mikaelo was not present at Andreas' funeral he prefers to help tidy up the funeral home because tonight there will be another prayer for Andreas. But Mikaelo will be there in the evening he has his own intentions for Andreas. I don't know what Mikaelo will do tonight at Andreas' funeral.

The journey to the cemetery is more or less 1 hour, Praise God today the weather is good and the trip is quite busy. Arriving at the funeral Joana who continues to mourn the departure of Andreas. The present relatives and relatives also burst into tears that afternoon . When Andreas' coffin was taken down from the car, Joana started screaming for Andreas. " Andreass... Andreas... hiksss hikssss " Joana continued to hug Andreas' coffin tightly as if not allowing Andreas' body to be buried. " Andreas dear ... why did you leave me dear hiksss hiksss , please don't put him in there poor thing it 's so dark down there hikssss hikssss " .

Then Jhonas pulled Joana's body which was still attached to Andreas' chest. "Mrs. Jo, come on, madam, don't be like this. Poor Mr. Andreas, seeing Mrs. like this."

Agreyta : Jo....have done it dear...poor Amdreas, pity he shouldn't be held back like this. Remember forever you will love each other just different nature.

Joana : Ahhhhh....hilkksss...Hiksss Andreas....Andreas....why did you leave me dear hikss hiksss.

then Agreyta at that time brought the doctor and immediately asked Joana to be sedated. Because she was worried that Joana would do something out of the ordinary.

Agreyta : Doc ... doc, please give her a sedative, I'm sorry, since last night she was very hit.

Doctor : Okay Mrs. Grey

Soon Joana was given a sedative and taken to a car guarded by Jhonas. Finally, the funeral procession continued. And not long after, the prayer process was again carried out by a famous pastor from New York City. After finishing the prayers, the process of sowing flowers was done at Andreas' final resting place. Agreyta was also saddened to see that Joana had lost someone very important to her. Agreyta could only hope that Joana could smile again soon and find happiness again.