Road to Agreyta and Mikaelo's residence in Milan, Italy.

Today is Queen first day of primary school, During school Queen only wanted to be escorted by Angelo alias Brandon. Angelo also loves Queen, he is very willing to take Queen to school.

Queen's heart is currently very happy because soon she will meet her new friends at a new school. Even though Queen is still over 6 years old, she has above average intelligence in arithmetic, reading and fast catching power. Queen Brenda Francessca whose full name is getting ready for school with light brown hair and blue eyes like Mikaelo her face is very beautiful, round eyes, curly eyelashes, her face and hair are exactly like Brandon before becoming Angelo now who has had surgery after the accident that happened. hit Brandon.

The clock showed 06.55 in the morning, Queen was waiting for Angelo's arrival who was considered his favorite uncle. Queen called him handsome uncle. After a few minutes Angelo's black sedan had entered the yard of Angreyta and Mikaelo's house. Agreyta who at that time was near Queen approached Angelo.

"Hurray...handsome uncle is coming, good morning my handsome uncle. Willing to take me to school".

"Hey, dear Queen, I will willing to take you go to school today hehehe. Come on, get in Uncle's car, okay?"

When Queen got into Angelo's car, Agreyta approached Angelo.

"Hmm, thank you Angelo for being willing to take Queen to school, take good care of her. Sorry if it's a bother".

"Yes Grey, no need to thanks, I already consider her my own daughter. I don't feel bothered. I just monitor employees from home, there are already subordinates who take care of the company".

"Hmm okay let's go first, the entry is at 07.30 because."

"Okay be careful Angelo, I'll leave Queen, okay"

"Yes Gray take it easy, let's go Queen"

Finally Angelo's car came out of Agreyta's house to Queen's new school. On the way to school, Angelo thought of something if he wanted to test Queen Brenda's DNA and him self. He wanted to know if Queen was his real daughter. Because when Agreyta just married Mikaelo. Brandon alias Angelo had a special relationship with Agreyta until they drifted into a serious relationship. Seeing Queen's hair tie her hair loose she stepped aside for a moment to straighten Queen's hair again. While tidying Queen's hair, Angelo quickly cut a bit of Queen's hair and then he put it in a small plastic bag to take it to the hospital for a DNA test.

Arriving at school, Queen went straight to her new class for the introduction of the first day. When Queen had entered the class, many praised her beauty from the teachers and even her new friends. Today's activities at school are only 2 hours because it is still in the introduction stage.

After 2 hours of walking the school bell rang, Queen and the other new children also came out of the classroom. Angelo, who was waiting for him at the gate, immediately took Queen to the car. On the way home Queen asked Angelo.

"Uncle today I'm very happy you know, a lot of friends are funny and kind".

"Ohh okay that's good , then Queen can you follow the lesson?".

"it will be Tomorrow uncle is just learning, today is just an introduction. Oh uncle why don't you have a wife and children until now, uncle is handsome you know?".

"Hehehe you can do it, Uncle has a true lover but currently busy with different countries. (Sorry Queen, Uncle can't tell you that your mother is Uncle's only lover)". Angelo

"Ohh, will you take her home sometime, uncle."

"Ahh hahahaha yes later if she's not busy huh".

"Yes uncle ... it's fun to arrive uncle, thank you uncle for wanting to take me".

"Okay Queen just go in your house, uncle still have business don't forget to tell your mom, okay?"

"Ready handsome uncle".

Angelo went straight to the nearest hospital for a DNA test immediately. He has also brought a sample of his hair when he was a human to match with Queen Branda Francessca.

When Queen was seen alone entering the room area of ​​the house, Angreyta asked Angelo's whereabouts.

"Where's Uncle Angelo dear, how come you're alone?".

"Earlier uncle just got to the parking lot in front of mommy, he said uncle still had business first so he wanted to hurry".

"Okay come on, let's change clothes and eat honey, you must be hungry right. How was it fun at school?"

"It's fun mom, I'm just happy that I have a lot of friends at school".

"Wow that's good honey, okay you have to change clothes first and then go to eat".

"Ready mommy ".

Back to hospital Milan, Italy

When Angelo arrived at the hospital, he went straight to the relevant section for DNA testing. Then the related nurse approached Angelo.

"Yes sir can we help?"

"Yes, I want a DNA test, can I? This is a sample of my hair and that of my child".

"Okay sir, you can just leave it in 3 days, you can take the results, sir".

"Okay nurse, thank you."

"You're welcome sir".

Three days later, the day Angelo has been waiting for has arrived, he can't wait to see if Queen Brenda is his biological child. Arriving at the hospital he went to the room where he had a DNA test yesterday.

"Excuse me nurse, I am Mr. Angelo, who took my daughter's DNA test yesterday, have the results come out?"

"Yes sir this is the result sir, just read it sorry I'll stay first".

"Okay nurse thank you."

Angelo's feelings were so awkward, just holding the envelope he trembled. Then slowly he opened the envelope of his DNA test results with Queen Brenda. The result surprised him with "97% accurate match". Instantly he was immediately happy and did not think that Queen was his biological child.

Then he immediately contacted his father to tell him this happy news. But he only told his father, not telling the others whether Agreyta, Mikaelo or Queen herself.

Angelo's father's cell phone aka Brandon rang

"Tutttsss Tuttttt".

"Yeah hello Brandon what's up son how are you there, all well".

"Yes dad, everything is fine dad, here I bring a happy news dad. I've had a DNA test and the results are 97% accurate, matching that Queen is my daughter".

"Well congrats, that means dad has a grandson right".

"But I beg you to keep it a secret for the time being dad, so that later we will wait for the Queen so she understands".

"Okay don't worry, dad will take care of it forever, you just manage how good it is. I wants to go first, there's a little business".

"Okay dad, thank you, be careful dad".

"Okay you too son, greetings to Agreyta and Queen."

"Yes dad, I'll tell Them."

They hung up on each other. Angelo immediately returned to his home again and the DNA test results must be stored in a safe place. On the way home, Angelo alias Brandon's heart was very happy.

"Queen my dear you are my daughter, one day we will definitely be together. I also always loves and cares for Your mom forever, I swear I will always take care all of you and make you happy. Agreyta my dear if you know I am your Brandon, it's really tight this heart feels like I want to hug you , I have to wait patiently because I believe everything will be beautiful in its time". (Mumble Angelo)