It didn't feel like it was getting dark. Mikaelo, Agreyta, and Arkha had also finished tidying up the weapons they had brought from Transylvania. The three of them finally headed for the main room to quickly tidy themselves up. After they finished tidying up, Agreyta prepared dinner. Queen Brenda, who at that time was playing ludo with Geoni, also participated in the dinner that Agreyta had prepared.

Arkha, who at that time was enjoying dinner, did not realize that Joana the day after tomorrow would come to Mikaelo's house for a vacation and take a walk there. After finishing with dinner, Mikaelo intends to tell Arkha that Joana is coming. Immediately Mikaelo invited Arkha to chat in Mikaelo's backyard. When the two of them arrived at Mikaelo's backyard, they started their conversation about Joana.

"Oh yes Arkha I want to give you good news, don't be surprised, okay?"

"Good news what do you mean, does this have anything to do with Joana. Is there anything to do with Mr. Cleon again?".

"Hahaha, you already know the good news from Mr. Cleon's time, it's definitely not Arkha. Yes, this is about Joana, so Joana will come and stay here the day after tomorrow.

"Wow, is that right, I'll be here while she's here, let me take her for a walk. How long will she stay Mike?".

"Agreyta said about 2 weeks, but you pretend to know you want to take Joana for a walk, you really know the area of ​​​​Milan. Never mind Geoni will accompany you both so you don't get lost".

"Hmm Mike when I can stray, I'm now a Dracula that can penetrate space and time".

"Arkha why do you always pretend to know, remember as long as Joana is here, don't ever show your identity and abilities as Dracula because it will expose your disguise. Don't be in a hurry, Arkha is there, you'll regret it yourself."

"Hahaha oh yeah I might miss Joana too much so I forgot to control my attitude".

"Yes, I beg you to be patient, everything will be beautiful in its time. Don't worry, Agreyta and I will always help for the sake of uniting you again".

"Okay Mike, I have to learn to control my attitude, don't let my attitude be anti-damaging to all of our plans".

"Our main task is to exterminate Mr. Cleon, never give him the slightest gap to dominate humans. Right now he is also disguised as my younger brother Pablo who also died during the Roman War."

"Then why doesn't your little brother become like you".

"We were separated during the war so when I was resurrected by Mr. Cleon he was already dead on the battlefield. And it turns out that Mr. Cleon secretly kept my little brother body and preserved it in a coffin until now. He deliberately used my little brother face to approach Joana".

"You're really cunning Mr. Cleon, okay, I'll just destroy it later."

"Well, let's discuss this later, the most important thing is how the day after tomorrow you can maintain your attitude in front of Joana, everything must be according to our plan and when is the right time to reveal your identity so that later you will decide for yourself".

"Yeah okay Mike".

Two days later

Today it is 07.00 am, Queen who is already preparing for school is having breakfast and waiting for Angelo's uncle to pick her up. Joana last night gave the news that this afternoon had arrived in Milan. Agreyta and her housekeeper prepared a room and some sumptuous dishes to welcome her old friend. Agreyta cooks a variety of Italian cakes and dishes and some Indonesian dishes that Joana loves.

During Agreyta's marriage to Mikaelo, Joana had never visited Agreyta in Italy at all. It's not because of the long distance but Joana's busy schedule that makes her unable to take a vacation. Agreyta and Joana have been friends for a long time since they both live in the same city and even neighbors. The two of them also went to school together up to the college level. Before Agreyta married Mikaelo, the friendship between them was strained because Joana had also liked Mikaelo, Joana also almost ruined Agreyta and Mikaelo's wedding by throwing hard water on Agreyta's face.

But it did not happen because Mikaelo prevented her and took her to the police station . Joana was finally imprisoned at that time and it was Wily who freed her. But all has passed, Joana has now become a good woman, Agreyta has also forgiven Joana's mistakes. It didn't feel like time was running fast, when Agreyta was preparing to wait for Joana's arrival, suddenly the sound of a taxi car entered Agreyta's yard. Suddenly Agreyta ran happily to greet her best friend, they hugged each other. Immediately Agreyta brought Joana into her house.

"Hey Joana come in here, oh my gosh, I didn't think you could get here, how are you doing now right, you're back in the office?'.

"Yes, I'm bored at home for a long time, after all Andreas' company has been dormant as long as I'm not in the office. Not to mention that my trusted person named Dawny has used company funds of up to 50 billion.".

"Oh my God, be patient, I hope all your problems will be over soon. Yes you must be really tired. Let's eat first and then take a break, we'll talk again, okay?"

"Yes, thank you Grey, let's go, it's been a long time since I've eaten your food, Grey".

"Heheeh yes, let's go, the food will be cold later".

"Yeah, eh, where's the Queen Grey, how come from Queen I didn't see her, she must be really pretty, her eyes are blue right".

"Oh, she just left for school, so she'll just big like Mikaelo".

"Eh but how come her face and hair look like Brandon, you know Grey".

"Yeah, I'm also confused, how can like that, what's similar to Mikaelo is only the body posture and eye color and Jo's intelligence"

"Oh, could it be that when you were pregnant, Queen, you thought about Brandon, hahahahaha".

"You're wrong, I'm not thinking about him, but me and Brandon had a relationship after I married with Mikaelo. I was wrong to have been swept away and caught in the situation".

"Oh my gosh, you mean, you had an illicit relationship with Brandon. Then did Mikaelo know?'.

"Yes Mikaelo knows, but he's not angry or blaming me. He just said don't let it happen again because he doesn't want to lose me either".

"Hmm your life is really complicated, Grey, oh yeah, in America I met a handsome man named Pablo, he seems to be from Italy too".

"Oh yeah where's the photo, I want to see".

"Sorry the person doesn't want give the photo, I'm also confused but he's a good person"

"Be careful Joana don't carelessly know dangerous people, especially now that you are the CEO now, there must be many people wants get your wealth".

"Okay I will be more careful, thank you, Grey".

"Well, if it's an easy guy problem, I'll find and introduce you to a much better one, you don't have to worry".

"if it's a guy problem, I guess I'll just be afraid to be in a relationship anymore. Those who will split up in the middle of the road again".

"Oh, you can't do that, life must have a companion to talk to and a place of affection. Just calm down, I'll introduce you to a very good person, guaranteed you won't regret it, where have I ever lied to you".

"Okay I will believe it, I want to eat first, hmm this is your food smell it looks really delicious."

"Oh my gosh, yeah hahaha we've been chatting all the time, until we forgot to offer you a meal. After all, I miss you Jo, we haven't talked for a long time"

"Yeah let's eat"

"Okay, enjoy the dish"

Hearing Joana's voice so familiar, Arkha alias Andreas left his room and headed for the dining room table. He was so happy to see Joana's presence at Ageyta and Mikaelo's house. Without wasting time Arkha immediately approached Joana.

"Arkha you're awake, this happens to be my best friend named Joana, she just arrived from America. Well later on, you want her to be around Italy, right?"

"Yes Grey of course, ohh yes introduce my name is Arkha".

When Arkha's hand shook Joana's hand, Joana suddenly fell silent and felt that hand had been held by her. Arkha's face was so handsome that it made Joana groan and made Joana's saliva go up and down. The fragrance ingredients used by Arkha are exactly the same as Andreas' perfume. Seeing Joana's slightly melting attitude towards Arkha, the third Agreyta patted Joana's back.

"Why you so speechless Joana, just answer people who are acquaintances, they just stay silent like a shower statue hahhaaha"

"Hey, who's silent (Joana's face is red). Yes, Arkha, my name is Joana, nice to meet you.".

"Yes, I am also very happy to meet you, oh yes, if you want to go for a walk, I will deliver if you want Joana".

"Yes, of course I know, you are so handsome"

"I'm not used to it, hehehehe yes, there will be a lot so that the activities will be strong later".

"How come those words are very similar to what Andreas said when we were at the same table."

"What do you mean, Joana, is it wrong I said so sorry?"

"Hmm it doesn't matter, just your words remind me of someone I still love."

"Oh, it's similar "

"Yes, you guys are similar in attitude, even your perfume smells exactly like the one he has"

"Oh, maybe perfume brands are everywhere, it's only natural that it's the same. Yes I have continued eating, I want to exercise first".

"Okay, please Arkha."

After Arkha said goodbye to sports, Agreyta again made fun of her best friend Joana. And when Arkha met Joana wanted to hug her but he held it all in so that everything went smoothly.

"Why you doesn't even blink, I say, Arkha is handsome. As long as you know there are many girls here who like him, but Arkha is only friendly with you, lucky you are the only woman that he like".

"Hahaha yeah Handsome makes me so I can't go anywhere. Oh yeah what do you mean lucky Arkha how did he choose me?"

"Yes, long before you came, Mikaelo and I had already told Arkha your photo, it turns out that he is happy with you asking to be dressed".

"Is it true, he really likes me, I'm not as beautiful as Italian girls. I'm just used to it."

"Hmm all girls are beautiful, it's just a different face shape. Because beauty is relative to Jo. And Arkha doesn't see a woman's outer beauty but her heart chooses".

"it's better to eat again, so I'm ashamed".

"Hehehe, let's eat, I'll stay for a while so I want to wake Mikaelo first".

"Yes Grey ".

Joana's heart is now fluttering after hearing from Ageyta that Arkha likes her. But I don't know if Joana is ready or not if Arkha confesses her feelings to Joana.