After Carlos came home from Joana's house he immediately went to his office, to take care of some work and sign important documents. Carlos is very happy today because finally Joana can forgive him. When Carlos arrived at the office he was surprised to see Celine already in his office. Carlos then approached his secretary named Agnes.

"Agnes why you give permission to Celine, when has she been in my room."

"I've tried to ban her sir, but Mrs. Celine still comes in, more than 1 hour ago, sir".

"Anyway, don't let her come in tomorrow, even though she's my fiance, Just come back to your work. And I ask that all reports are on my desk 1 hour from now, I'll wait for it."

"Okay, sir, that's all divisions, right, sir?'.

"Gosh Agnes, how long have you been working here, did I must keep repeating it."

"Sorry sir, I forgot, I will bring all the reports in 1 hour."

"Yes, I've been waiting, remember don't make me angry okay. I'm already dizzy thinking about office problems".

"Yes sir ready".

With a tired face, Carlos reprimanded Celine not to come back to the office tomorrow, because at this time Carlos was confused about the fate of the company, which often lost projects due to the leaking of company data, which at this time has not been revealed who leaked it.

"Celine, what did you do to come to my office, didn't I just say stay at home. Didn't you say you wanted to go shopping?"

"Ahh, you've been lazy at Joana's house for so long, what are you doing. I want you to take me to the mall."

"Celine, I went to Joana's house, I had important business to discuss the cooperation contract. I'm really feeling dizzy, so you can understand me, Celine. Do you know that my company is in a lot of problems, I can't take you to the mall Celine" .

"Carlos just go to the mall, you can't take me to the mall. After all, you're the boss when you have to be tired, why are there so many subordinates?"

"You just say anything, eventhough I am boss, but I still have to stand by at the office and watch what your office is like."

"You have changed a lot now, you know since you met Joana".

"Stop Celine, I'm tired of having to argue unnecessary things with you. Now it's like this if you can't change your attitude, I want each of us to be dizzy. You're supposed to be my comforter, in fact you always think about your selfishness by yourself. By now, I'm asking you to get out of my room."

"Why do you throw me out Carlos, I'm your fiance".

"Hey, this is my office, what are you doing here, I'm ashamed of all my employees seeing you like this. You should be able to differentiate between personal and office matters. Come out now I say, don't let the security guard kick you out of here".

Seeing Carlos furious, Celine immediately left the room and left. 1 hour had passed, Agnes entered Carlos' room to provide the required report. After finishing Agnes returned to work in her room.

"Excuse me sir, here are some reports that Mr. Carlos asked for, do you think something is missing, sir?".

"Okay, that's enough, you can go back to your work, Agnes. Oh yes, one important thing you need to remember, from tomorrow on wards don't let Celine come in and come to this room again for any reason, understand. And tell the receptionist and all office security, okay? ".

"Okay sir Carlos, I'm sorry ".

"Well, leave me alone, please go back to your work. Thank you Agnes, and close the door to my room again".

"Okay sir, I'll go back to my room first".

"Okay go ahead".

Still in New York City, we headed back to Joana's house. As usual Joana was in her study too. Today there are so many activities, many meetings and project development schedules that must be started. Right at the beginning of this June, Joana instructed Dawny to take care of the construction of the Mr. branch office building. James. After getting an assignment from Joana, Dawny immediately arranged all the materials that must be purchased for the construction of Mr.'s building. James who once collapsed.

"Good afternoon Miss Joana, I would like to request a signature for the purchase of materials for the construction of Mr. James' branch office building project".

"Oh yes Dawny you take care of it right away, because this is all still your responsibility. And remember Mr. James doesn't have to pay anymore, all damage is purely our fault. I beg you to correct your mistakes and manage this project properly".

"I'm ready Miss Joana, I will immediately carry out, oh yes, ma'am regarding my move to another branch office, can it be postponed, ma'am, because if I move in the near future to the existing branch office I can't supervise Mr. James' project because the location of the branch office is very far Miss Joana".

"Hmm, I also had time to think twice about not moving you to a branch office. Because you are still needed here. So I decided that you should stay at this head office as long as you don't act fraudulently against the company, and one thing you owe is 50 billion per year. You have to change the month, okay? I will deduct it from your salary every month".

"Yes Miss Joana, I'm ready, I know I've made a fatal mistake, I'm really ashamed to have been mean to this company".

"Never mind, the important thing is to learn to be an honest team, Dawny and you have to be more responsible for your work. Remember there is no more chance, if I find another fraud in any field, I will not hesitate to send you to prison".

"Yes Miss Joana, I'm ready, I'll excuse myself, I want to take care of Mr. James' development project".

"Yes, Okay please handle this project well, don't make Mr. James disappointed for the second time. He is our best client, it's over now, Dawny don't forget call Sonya, okay?"

"Ok Miss Joana I'll call later".

When Dawny came out of Joana's room she called Sonya, after that Dawny went straight to the field to supervise incoming materials for the rebuilding of Mr. branch office building. James. Dawny and the team immediately went to the field because Mr. James has also gone to the location. Sonya who heard being called Joana immediately entered Joana's room.

"Afternoon, Miss Joana, is there something I need to do, ma'am?'.

"Yes, Sonya please later you will make a letter of our cooperation contract with Carlos's office, because starting next month we will give some building construction projects with his company, because we will not be able to handle all of them, especially if there are hundreds of them. But we will continue to monitor from in terms of construction and materials we are responsible for."

"Oh, so roughly we pay for services to Mr. Carlos's company Miss Joana".

"Well, you're smart, we just use his services, still everything is under our supervision, still our flag, this is only an internal collaboration, outsiders don't need to know, and remember that you make the letter first, I'll double check it, okay?"

"Okay, I'll make it, you know, doesn't Mr. Carlos' company have a project Miss Joana?".

"It's not that he doesn't have a project, but his company often experiences Sonya data leaks, so the design of the tender drawings can be exactly the same as his business competitors if I'm not mistaken, Sonya's Eagle Corporate company."

"Oh yes I've heard too, that their company will justify any means to get a dirty profit, ma'am. The name of the leader, if I'm not mistaken, is Edward, ma'am, boss".

"Wow Sonya, you really know where, I was also previously offered by Eagle Corporate to form a partnership but I got information from Dawny that the leadership is not good. Oh, it turns out that person is like that, it's a pity that Carlos' company always loses the tender because the data always leaks to Eagle Corporate. Just imagine that Carlos' Sonya design can be exactly the same as Eagle Corporate's, this must be a traitor in Carlos's company.

"Wow, it's terrible, ma'am, to be like that, after a long time, Mr. Carlos' company could go bankrupt, lose the project later for employee salaries and the continuity of the company could falter".

"Obviously, that's why I want to intervene to reveal who is the mastermind behind the spying at Carlos's company who has leaked company data to Eagle Corporate. Oh yeah, around this afternoon or tonight I have an appointment with someone or not?".

"If you don't have a schedule this afternoon until the next two days, will there be another schedule next week, Mom?'.

"Oh, okay then, I'm going to Carlos's office today, don't forget to make a draft of the contract in the form of a flash disc, okay, after I check if there's nothing missing, you can print it out".

"Okay, I'll send it via email, okay, ma'am as usual, I'll send an attachment to you".

"Yap, maybe later I can check on the road, I'll go first, leave the office, Sonya. If someone is looking for me, don't tell me I went to Carlos' office, just say I have urgent business".

"Okay, ma'am, are you ready, oh yes, have you told Carlos if you want to come to his office?"

"Never mind, I already sent a chat with him, yes, let's go first".

"Okay, be careful."

"Okay, thank you, when you're done and it's time to go home, just go home, you don't have to wait for me because I won't be going back to the office like that".

"Okay Miss Joana, but I want to remind you that on Friday there is a payment schedule and the cash for purchases has also run out. I got a message from the finance division, ma'am".

"Yes, yes, I'll come later, it's only Wednesday, there are still two days left. Later on Thursday Patricia told me to come face to face. Yes, I'll go first because Carlos is waiting for me".

"Okay Miss Joana".

After finishing talking with her secretary Sonya, Joana immediately went down to the car park and headed to Carlos' office to discuss the cooperation contract and wanted to reveal who was the mastermind behind the spying that had leaked the design sample and the construction project budget to Eagle Corporate. Joana really wants to help Carlos because apart from being Andreas' best friend for life, Joana also wants to make amends for blaming Carlos for Andreas' death due to a tragic accident a few years ago.