One week has passed, back to Mikaleo and Agreyta's residence in Milan, Italy. Tomorrow afternoon at 04.00 pm, Agreyta, Queen, Mikaelo and Arkha will leave for New York. All preparations, from clothes, tickets and others, have entered their respective suitcases. While Agreyta and Mikaelo were chatting in the living room, Arkha approached them.

"Hmm, sorry for interrupting your conversation, I am sorry if i have disturbed you, I want to discuss about Joana.

"Hey Arkha please what do you want to discuss. Agreyta replied to Arkha.

"Yes Arkha what's wrong, tell me if there is something we can both help?" Mikaelo said to Arkha.

"Hmm Agreyta and Mikaelo, tomorrow we will all go on vacation to Joana's house, I actually want to have the intention of proposing to her. I have prepared a ring and some equipment. What do you think, do you want to help me, I really want to marry her because I am worried that I will lose her, because I know there are some guys who like her.

"Oh well, if that's your intention, we'll help you. But does Joana already know that you want to propose to her, Arkha? Mikaelo asked Arkha.

"I just wanted to give her a surprise right on Joana's birthday which falls on Mike the day after tomorrow.

"Oh yes, the day after tomorrow, Joana's birthday, yes, it's the right moment. Okay we will help you in the propose process. Hmm, you have to move quickly, because according to my vision there are two men who currently want to have Joana, the first Mr. Cleon and the second a man from New York City who had been his business enemy.

"Yeah I know , because not long ago I watched her from afar Mike.

"Then will you reveal your identity if you are Andreas who has become Arkha.

"Hmm, I don't think so right now Mike, because I'm worried that Joana won't be ready to accept me in her current state. Later I'll find the right time to tell her.

"Yeah, you've set it, how best to remember not to show that you're Dracula, when we go to New York don't forget to change the color of your eye lenses to the color they were yesterday, and when you eat there don't ask for weird things you should be able to act like a real human. Later I will prepare medicine to ward off nausea when you eat human food.

"Yeah, okay, calm down, I also don't want to be careless, I'll lose Joana later.

"Okay if you understand, hmm sssttt just a moment it looks like there is a spy here. You guys shut up, look at that black bat. I know he must be Roneo's subordinate of Mr. Cleon, he must want to eavesdrop on our conversation. Shut up all of you Let me take care of him first.

Then Mikaelo immediately got up from his seat to destroy the black bat which was indicated as Roneo who incarnated as a black bat. But when Mikaelo wanted to shoot the black bat it suddenly disappeared in a flash and even the shot missed.

"Hmm, how about the black bat, did you manage to paralyze it? Arkha asked Mikaelo.

"Damn it looks like he knows that we want to destroyed, it's impudent that my adoptive father still wants to mess up our plans. Well, when your proposal is finished, Arkha, come with me to Transylvania, we'll make calculations with Mr. Cleon.

"Ready Mike, does we need to bring the steel weapons we took from your house.

"Oh no not now Arkha, while we give him a warning first. Because he could follow us at any time. For that while we have to be smart about the conditions around us, if we talk carefully because Roneo can turn into anything even the smallest insect he is. can change shape.

"Mike please don't make me afraid, remember you two are alone, you know, he's a lot of subordinates from strange nations. I don't want you and Arkha to get hurt. Agreyta said to Mikaelo.

"Don't worry my dear Agreyta, he is my foster father so there's no way he could hurt me. I've never been afraid of his troops. His attitude has gone too far, he will definitely do everything possible so that Arkha and Joana can't be together. Arkha, I actually love many troops from among the white wolf demons and Dracula troops that I have hidden their existence for so long.

"Ahh what the hell I don't understand, who are they, where are they from, and why I can not see it.

"Hahaha, you sure can't see because I've partially closed your inner eye, honey because I'm worried that you'll get dizzy looking at my friends. I hide them in my ring with blue and red eyes. I call them if I need them.

"Why are you closing my inner eyes without permission, how bad are you, since when?

"Shh not all my dear, I just closed your inner eye that is related to me, and that already happened when we first met at your campus.

"Well no wonder I couldn't detect you first, hmm it turns out that you have partially closed my inner eye. Oh yes, how can Queen know that you have many unreal friends, but I always ignore.

"Queen is a special child dear, I can't close her inner eyes, instead she can read a person's past and feelings. That's natural because apart from your descendants, she also has vampire blood in her body. But don't worry she's not cold like me , Queen her body is very warm.

"Oh, thank God, then, I'm just worried that he'll be the object of ridicule because the fangs will come out of his teeth later.

"Hahaha he won't come out of his fangs dear, Queen is a real human, it's just that his intelligence is above average and he has the advantage of being able to move objects and slow things down.

"Huh, is it like that, then what if everyone sees it like that what our daughter says is weird.

"Hmm don't worry my dear, I told her not to use her powers in random places and crowds. I only told her to use his powers if he was in danger out there when he grew up.

"Ohh thank goodness you told me Mike. I'm relieved.

"But listen careful, we always monitor Queen, don't leave her alone, because she is a special child who has holy blood. Don't let my adoptive father approach her, if that happens, it's a shame it can endanger our daughter's life. Because Mr. Cleon can hypnotize her at any time.

"Oh my God Mike don't let it happen, I don't want Queen to be in trouble, please keep her from afar dear.

"Don't worry I will always take care of her. Even I will give my life, no one is allowed to hurt my daughter.

"Well, it's better if we rest now, tomorrow afternoon we will leave for New York.

"You guys get some rest first, I still have work to do. Next week there is another diamond transaction, dear, I'm leaving for Switzerland for 10 days.

"Well you leaving me anymore, hmm it really can't be postponed, does that mean you're only in New York for a week?"

"No, Arkha and I were only there for three or four days, from New York Arkha and I were going to Transylvania and after finishing my business , Arkha would accompany me to Switzerland for diamond transactions.

"Okay Mik my handsome prince, but keep always send me your info, don't make me worried.

"Ohh You just realized that I'm really handsome, Agreyta my dear if you miss me you just call me using your inner eye, no matter how far I will come faster honey. I'm starting to get spoiled again. Are you afraid I'll be attracted to other women, Hmm I think you were Jealous yes?"

"Yeah, just watch out if I find out that you're weird with other women, I won't want to be with you anymore. Let's just separate, please look for something prettier there.

"Hmm anyways, who wants to be weird with other women. Don't be silly when you say honey, I'm not at all interested in another women, because my true love is only you. It took me 1000 years to meet you, I'm not playboy type in my life, so don't worry.

"Yes, I believe it, MMuuaacchh. I have to sleep first, it seems Queen is so sleepy.

"Yeah, go to sleep, Arkha and I still have work to do first.

Then Agreyta and Queen first took a break, because tomorrow afternoon they will leave for New York, so they can save energy for tomorrow. When he saw Agreyta and Queen were asleep, Mikaelo took Arkha going to the basement to continue their unfinished work, which was to prepare some important documents for next week's diamond transaction in Switzerland. When they arrived at the dungeon, Arkha asked Mikaelo a few things.

"Hmm, I want to ask you one thing about your troops in your ring, they really do exist.

"Yes, Arkha, you want proof. If you want to see I will call them all, I'm sure you are not brave and can see it.

"Ahh but how come I can't see where they are Mike.

"Yes, obviously you can't see, you didn't have the sixth sense of Arkha during his life at all.

"Well, now I've become Dracula.

"Yes, that's right but you can only see ordinary spirits but for the power of the sixth sense you can't penetrate because as long as you are Andreas you don't have the sixth sense of Arkha.

"Yes, I've tried showing me all your troops in your ring, at least the wolves like in the Twilight movies and the dracula like the Van Helsing movie.

"Hmm, you don't equate the visible world like in the movie, my wolf army is a wolf demon he is very big, not an Arkha wolf dog, the wolf demon army that I have is like a big wolf that can stand tall he is very fierce with red glowing eyes and the Dracula troops that I have are also average men they all used to be soldiers of my kingdom they are also experts in fighting yes there are some female Dracula. Don't be brave, those of you who are there later you can be stiff to see them. Never mind, don't challenge them, because they are not as friendly as you think they are only nice to me.

"Hmm, you can't just look at it Mike.

"One day you'll see them when we destroy Mr. Cleon, I'll call them all later. It's okay now, it's better if we continue with the paperwork so that when we do the transaction, everything is ready.


Finally they proceeded to make documents in preparation for next week's diamond transaction in Switzerland. But in Arkha's mind there was still a curiosity about Mikaelo's troops.