It doesn't feel like time has gone by so fast. The invited guests have also started to fill Mikaelo's house. Agreyta and Queen were also prepared in beautiful dresses. When Mikaelo and Queen first went down to meet the invited guests, Agreyta for a moment recalled what had happened at Angelo's house. Where Agreyta felt that Angelo was hiding something with red eyes. Agreyta had thought that it was not the eyepiece but the real red eye. He remembered when Mikaelo was turning into Dracula the color of his eyes was the same color as Angelo's this afternoon.

"I'm sure there's something Angelo is hiding, I don't know what it's clear, I'm not sure if it was a fake eye lens. I'm sure Angelo is not an ordinary human, he may have Dracula blood descendants too. But if he is Dracula, who is he for what he claims to be his cousin Brandon. Because I know Brandon's cousin is a girl and it has been dead a long time. This really bothers me. Is Angelo Mr. Cleon's messenger huh. I don't know, I'll just ask Mikaelo maybe he can answer my question tonight after the wedding anniversary is over.(Agreyta mumbled).

Finally Agreyta also followed Queen and Mikaelo to meet the invited guests who were already present. This super luxurious party was attended by many invited guests from various circles of celebrities, state officials and even Mikaelo's important relations. Even Agreyta also invited the famous singer Michael Learns To Rock. Meanwhile, in another place, Angelo is preparing to attend Agreyta's event tonight. But just as he was about to step out, suddenly there was a collection of black smoke and it solidified into Mr. Cleon. Suddenly Angelo was surprised by the arrival of Mr. Cleon suddenly.

"Hey, good night Angelo, I want to come to Mikaelo's party, my son. I'm sure you want that.

"Mr. Cleon you have surprised me, what do you mean?

"Angelo, I know what's going through your mind and your heart. You're really heavy because you've been disguised as someone else all this time. I'll help if you want. I'll change your face to Brandon for a few days.

"Is it possible that it could happen, lord Cleon, it seems impossible.

"Hahahhaa I'm the king of Dracula, I can do anything with my magic. You forgot that I can change my face to Pablo's face, what's more, just change your face. Now close your eyes for a moment so I can magic your face back into Brandon.

"Okay Mr. Cleon .

In just a matter of minutes, Brandon's face was back. Brandon was amazed to see his reflection in the mirror he was surprised that the impossible could be possible if it was in the hands of Mr. Cleon.

"This really happened Mr. Cleon, what magic did you use to bring back my face.

"Never mind it's a very easy thing for me. Now go it's almost eight o'clock at night.

"Okay sir, thank you.

Just as Brandon looked up and around he saw that lord Cleon had disappeared as fast as the wind. Without thinking, Angelo who had changed again to Brandon he immediately stepped foot to attend Agreyta and MIkaelo's wedding anniversary. All the guests were very happy to see Agreyta and Mikaelo's happiness. Agreyta, who seemed to be waiting for Angelo's arrival, was seen standing near MIkaelo's garden. From behind Angelo whose face has changed to Brandon's immediately approached Agreyta and hugged her from behind. Agreyta, who was standing at the time, was shocked to see Brandon suddenly come to the event.

"Hey, why are you Brandon coming, what do you mean, where's Angelo?

"Hmmm sorry Angelo suddenly have work that can't stay, sorry I surprised you.

"So why have you been missing all this time when you come to Milan for business, you never come to my house. I hate you Brandon and then you just come and play cuddles.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm really busy, my dear Grey, I can't even hug you, I really miss you Grey.

"Then how do you know it's my wedding anniversary today? Agreyta asked Brandon.

"Angelo told me, and I happened to be in Milan for two days for Grey's business. Why are you so angry, you'll just lose your beauty. How about Queen, she's definitely getting prettier and smarter like her mother.

"Why, but I think something is wrong, it could be a coincidence, hmm, the news is Queen is fine and she is getting more beautiful.

"Yes, can I come to your event or not?

"Hmm how about it, you know that Mikaelo is very jealous of you, it's better if we just chat here.

"Hmm, it's hard now, I just want to be close to you, it's like being covered with a concrete wall. Grey I really miss you, I really want to repeat all of our togetherness. I will never forget the togetherness that has happened between us, sometimes my heart hurts to see you side by side with another man.

"Brandon, what happened between us I have forgotten, I don't want to repeat the mistake again. The relationship between us that was once intertwined just considers the past that we must bury deeply.

"Now close your eyes for a moment, I want to take you somewhere.

"What the hell are you, I still have an unfinished event. Brandon what do you want, don't make trouble, I don't want to make a fuss, this is my happy event.

"Close your eyes now for a moment Gray dear I guarantee no one will know.

Finally Agreyta closed her eyes and Brandon took her to a palace located in Transylvania. Cleon. When she opened her eyes Agreyta was surprised she was already in a luxurious room with a touch of romantic colors full of red flowers and aromatherapy fragrances.

"Brandon what does this mean, where are you taking me here. And where did you get that from.

"Hmm, this is what I've been wanting to explain to you, I really can't bear to hide all this from you anymore.

"You mean what you've been hiding from me Brandon what is it, just answer me?

"Hmm, now I have become Dracula Grey dear, and Angelo is me disguised as Brandon's cousin. I was forced to cooperate with Mr. Cleon because at the time of the accident my face was badly damaged. Then I intend to change my face into Angelo's face the face of a famous model in Milan.

"Then what do you mean you became Dracula but for what ?

"I want to win your heart, I know you love Mikaelo so much because he is a handsome Dracula.

"Hmm never mind I really don't understand what's going on in your head Brandon. Sorry I have to go and send me home now. I don't like your attitude lately and then you ask me to accept the fact you lied and you have become Dracula.

"Grey .. Grey please don't go I'm sorry, I just want to be close to you again so you want to love me again.

"Don't ever saying you love me, A person who has lied and then casually says you love me. Sorry I don't like liars.

Then Agreyta turned her red crown ring for Mikaelo to come. Instantly he came and after Mikaelo came he saw Brandon was at Mr. Cleon is with Agreyta.

"What do you mean Brandon, bukkkk (Mikaelo gave Brandon a raw punch). I said never touch my wife do you understand. I knew who you were long ago, but I respect Agreyta and didn't beat you up. But now you're as cunning as Cleon.

"Take me home honey, I'm dizzy.

"Yes Grey dear let's go home okay, all the guests are waiting for you. Don't think about the cowardly boy.

"And you Brandon the business between us is not finished, wait here after the event is over we have to finish our business.

Finally Mikaelo had succeeded in bringing Agreyta back to Milan, all the guests were also waiting for Agreyta's presence. Mikaelo was still furious to see Brandon's attitude which was still eyeing his favorite wife Agreyta. Mikaelo intends to continue his business with Brandon regarding Agreyta, Mikaelo is very upset that Brandon has become evil and cunning like Cleon.

"Grey dear, how can you come there, and how did you get him?

"I've turned it down Mike but it looks like he wants to show something sorry I was wrong.

"Never mind, this is our important event, I don't want us to debate at our happy event, it's a shame the guests see us if it comes to debate.

"I'm sorry Mike, I was just fooled by Brandon. I was surprised that he was also Angelo and he had become Brandon's Dracula because of Cleon's incitement.

"Yeah I've known this for a long time, but I'm looking for the right time to tell you. Because I want you to find out for yourself someday.

"How come you already know why keep this a secret, why?

"Hmm, you forgot Queen really loves Angelo and Brandon, I don't want to hurt our daughter's heart.

"Okay let's continue to finish this event until it's over, sorry for the guests waiting for us.

"Well, later if Brandon acts again, I'll take care of Arkha and I.

"Yes dear, I'm sorry again.

"Hmm, honey, you're never wrong, you're just trapped and hypnotized, so with that ring he can't really do you any harm.

"Yeah I promise it won't happen again, I don't want to lose you Mike.

"Hmm what the hell is there Brandon who will snatch you from me.

"Yes, we will continue later, now we better meet the guests again. Queen will also be looking for us dear.

"Yeah okay.

Finally Mikaelo and Agreyta returned to meet the invited guests, tonight's event went smoothly. The guests also really enjoyed the party that we made very luxurious and festive. The music of Michael Learns To rock made the event more lively and the party atmosphere more romantic.