Day after day has passed, month after month, year has changed, it doesn't feel like 10 years have passed. Agreyta and Mikaelo's family is very happy because for 10 years there have been no bullies. Joana and Arkha are also married without any disturbance. Today Queen is 18 years old. She has grown into a very beautiful teenager. Currently she is also studying in the Netherlands majoring in medical science. Queen became an intelligent child so that he could be accepted to study at the best university in the Dutch city.

Next week Queen plans to start moving to the Netherlands, because she will live there and study there. Meanwhile Agreyta and Mikaelo only accompanied Queen for one week.

"Honey how have you prepared everything for the needs in the Netherlands? Asked Agreya to Queen.

"Hmm, everything is ready mommy, I have put everything in my suitcase. Later for electronic needs, I'll buy it myself later mommy, so I only brought some data and some clothes and passports and a residence permit.

"Oh okay then, later on with the vehicle problem, how do you want a car and what kind of driver?"

"I don't need driver mommy, I'll just buy it there mommy. How long will mom and dad stay in the Netherlands?

"At least one week, because mom and dad still have work to do.

"Hmm can't add more mommy. I will definitely miss you mommy because I will rarely see mom and dad.

"Yes, when you have a day off, mommy and daddy will visit you again. We can use video calls, right. You have to learn to be independent, dear, because you're an adult.

"It's not a problem I don't dare mommy, I miss you both.

"Yes, I know you will definitely miss me, but if you get used to it, it will be okay after a while.

"Okay I hope I can become a good internal medicine doctor.

"I believes you can become a doctor, you are a smart woman so you can definitely graduate as a doctor. And one day you will become the best doctor.

"Yes, hopefully later I can become the best doctor, Hmm by the way how abouth Augustine, It's been long time I didn't call him mommy.

"Ehmm, I don't know, he said, the day after tomorrow he wants to come to Milan, dear.

"Wow, it's fun to have Augstine, but soon I'm going to the Netherlands. But it's not like he's still in Transylvania, right, with uncle Cleon.

"Yeah he still in Transylvania, he's still two years younger than you. If I'm not mistaken he's now in the 2nd grade of high school.

"Oh, yes, younger than me, yes, I want to call him first, okay?

"Okay call you guys are like brothers.

Then after Queen and Agreyta finished talking, Queen called Augustine.

While Augustine was doing his schoolwork, his cell phone rang.

"Tuttss tuttss"

"Hello beautiful Queen, haven't you called me in a long time? Asked Augustine to Queen.

"Yes, I'm very busy, I'm preparing to go to the Netherlands Augustine. I want to study in the Netherlands next month but I'm leaving next week. You said you wanted to come to Milan.

"Yes the day after tomorrow I'm leaving, my mom and I will come, okay.

"Yes okay I'm waiting, I miss talking with you.

"Me too Queen, I'll come with you later, I'll take you to the Netherlands.

"Yes, you can come along so it's crowded, Oh yeah, after high school, where do you want to go to college, where is Augustine?.

" I don't know Queen, maybe I'll go back to America.

"Then what major will you study later? Queen asked Augustine.

"Hmm, I think I want to study law and computer IT. Hopefully my brain will reach it hehehe.

"Hahaha, that's just what it is, the important thing is that if you really like your field, you will surely succeed later. Be confident and enthusiastic accompanied by prayer.

"Yes, thank you, Queen. Hopefully later I can succeed.

"Don't be pessimistic, you're also smart, you have to be confident. I want you to be confident and enthusiastic.

"I miss daddy Willy, he hasn't come to America for a long time.

"Hmmm maybe your daddy is busy, it's only natural Intelligence. Later when the time comes, you don't video call or call him.

"Yes, I have often but I want to meet him, after all he is still my father.

"I know Augustine, be patient, if you have a school holiday, you just come to Indonesia.

"Hmm Mommy Joana don't give me permission, I haven't given permission yet even though I'm on vacation from this class promotion.

"Oh my God are you seriously Augustine, Hmm calm dawn first I'll ask mommy Agreyta for help later, so that my mom can talk to your mom.

"Are Seriously Queen you want to help talk.

"Not me, but let mommy Agreyta talk to your mother. Be patient, you will be given permission later because your mother will always listen to mommy Agreyta's .

"Yeah, I hope so, I'll call you back later, I still have a little more work to do.

"Yes, please finish your task first, be careful, Augustine, spirit.

"Yes, thank you, see you beautiful Queen hehehee. I'll call you back later.

"Yes, it's easy if you just have time, don't forget to take care of your health.

"Okay I will, bye beautiful queen.

"Hmm you Start sway hahahaha.

As Queen hung up the phone, Agreyta approached and they spoke to each other again.

"Hey Queen, my beautiful daughter, it's really fun to call hehe.

"Hmm yes mommy, we just talked a little bit. Augustine's school problem, he's going to college later and there's a little problem.

"What's the problem dear, are you serious? Asked Agreyta to Queen.

"So it's like this mommy, Augustine really misses his father, wants to come to Indonesia but Aunt Joana doesn't give permission. Even though it's a class promotion holiday. Poor mom, you know.

"Oh Joana, what's wrong with this, it's not allowed when a child meets his biological father.

"Yes Mom, it's been almost 10 years since they've seen each other. I can't imagine how his feeling, He must really miss his dad.

"Yes dear that's true. Hmm I'll try later to auntie Joana, try to talk to Aunt Joana. It can't be like that, even though Willy is still Augustine's biological father.

"Yes mommy please help poor Augustine. So that he can come to Indonesia and meet his father.

"Yes, it's been a while mommy wants to call Aunt Joana first. Yes, you have eaten first, Mom has prepared it.

"Yes mom, I happen to be hungry.

Agreyta came out of Queen's room and took her cell phone to call Joana.

"Tuttsss Tuttsss (Joana's cell phone rings)

"Hello Grey, what's wrong?

"Hello Joana, how are you doing, what are you doing. Did I bothering you?.

" No Agreyta, Hmm Usually I'm in the office taking care of projects, what's wrong Grey?

"By the way you are going to Milan the day after tomorrow with Augustine.

"Yeah, so I've prepared everything, I'll stay there for a few days. Arkha will also come too.

"Oh okay, I'll wait. Oh yes, I heard from Queen that you forbade Augustine to come to Indonesia, why not. I'm sorry, maybe he misses her father.

"Hmm, it's not that I don't give permision for Augustine to come in Indonesia, but I'm worried that if Augustine gets close to him, my son's life will be threatened. You know that Jessica is still alive and still in prison, I don't want Jessica to harm my lovely son.

"Yes, but Willy is the best intelligence, it's impossible for his child to be in danger. Never mind Joana, don't ban him. He's the father of your child, you don't have the right to do that. No matter how much you hate Willy, he's still Augustine father .

"Hmm okay, after my vacation to Milan finished, I will go to Indonesia to take Augustine to meet Willy. Yes, I will continue to my work okay. I'll connect later, thanks Grey.

"Yeah okay. be careful.

Back to Willy, Jakarta Indonesia

It's been 10 years since Willy hasn't seen Augustine because Joana forbade him, he really misses his beloved son. However, he couldn't help but insist and seek trouble with Joana because he was worried that Augustine would be further away from him. When he was pensive with the shadows of his son's face. Suddenly Andrew his friend came and visited. The bell rang.

"Ting tong.

"Hey Andrew wow... when did you come to Indonesia? Willy asked Andrew.

"I've been in Indonesia for three days, I have a little business. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. Oh yeah, why is your face so gloomy.

"Hmm, it's been 10 years I haven't been able to meet my son, we can only call and video call. Yes, you know, since the kidnapping incident, Joana forbade me to come to America.

"Well, it happened a long time ago, she can't ban you. You are his biological father. You also have the right to Augustine.

"I don't know I just hope that one day I can meet my son again. I understand this is all because of my mistakes in the past.

"Yes, I know that too, but she can't have anything to do with the past, after all, Jessica has been caught.

"I don't know, I just hope for a miracle.

"Come on, let's play tennis, it's been a long time since we've played sports.

"Okay, I'll take the racket first, just use your car. I'm so lazy to get out of the car again.

"Okay no problem now that's the way.


Finally the two of them headed to the tennis court, and Willy still hoped that one day he would see his son again. Because he missed Augustine so much. And hopefully Joana really gave Willy permission to meet his son. Luckily there was Andrew who accompanied Willy so he was not too sad and thought of his son who had not seen him in a long time. Augustine is Willy's beloved Son, hopefully they can meet and release each other's longing between them. After all, the relationship between a child and a father cannot be separated.