Back to Jakarta, Indonesia. Willy plans to go on vacation to America next month, but he plans to hasten his departure because next month he has an assignment to Kalimantan. He informed Augustine and Joana that tomorrow he would take off from Jakarta to America. When Willy was preparing to leave, his cell phone suddenly rang and read "Augustine Calling".

"Hello Augustine, what's up?

"Hmm, is it true that you will take off tomorrow from Jakarta to America dad?

"Yes, honey, tomorrow I want to go to America, I'm sorry I can't be next month or even earlier because next month I have an assignment to Kalimantan.

"Hmm, maybe we can only meet next week, Dad, because I'm in the Netherlands, you know, taking Queen because she wants to study in the Netherlands.

"Yes, it's okay son, dad already knew that your mom had already told me, it's okay, dad can stay first at Uncle Andrew's apartment.

"Okay dad, be careful, don't forget to pray, okay?